George Clooney kindness and generosity

George Clooney gifts his friends a million dollars each

Cookie Monster being kind to John Oliver


(BTW- The cookie monster clip is a gratuitous nod to my sesame street obsession)

George Clooney’s kindness and generosity is unfathomable. He gathered 14 of his friends together for a meal at his home. At each of their chairs at his table was an attaché case filled with 1 million dollars. He said that he wanted to return the kindness and generosity that he had received when he was a struggling actor. Which he never forgot. It is stories like this that restore my faith in humanity.

My random act of kindness today was picking up my dog poop. Then I realized that this is a necessity by law.  Another act was choosing not to park my car on a double yellow line in front of someone’s house. And again, I realized that this was just me abiding by the law.

In the end I told a few people in cars that if they remained parked where they were there was a strong likelihood that they may receive a parking ticket. Myself and my friends all received one 2 weeks ago in the same parking spots following our swim. Boom, random act of kindness done for the day.  In no way will it rival George’s kindness but it will do for now.

That’s all for now


Stay fab



Tree Hugging

Today I was stealth tree hugging.  I needed one and there were plenty of willing trees in the forest at Malahide Castle. I had to be careful. I didn’t want anyone to see me in case they would think that I am some kind of pseudo weird hippy loving tree hugger. Which I am. But I am not ready to come out of the forest as yet.

(WPA-Woeful pun alert – the following text may contain some toe-curling cringe worthy forest puns; the author bears no responsibility for any distress caused).

I have tried branching out as Buzz and Finn (my two Morkie dogs) are amazing huggers. However, they fail to supply the same endorphins that I experience from union with nature. Maybe I am barking?   Again, I believe that this is true.    I have tried to leave the forest without a tree hug and invariably feel less than fulfilled when I do.

Being poplar does not concern me. I may be sappy but I have decided to embrace my weirdness. When I resist the urge, I find myself pining for my tree hugs.

OK, I will stop now with the puns.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Internet dating

GFA- Giggle free alert (whilst I have a rant.)

I have had my fair share of internet dating over the last 20 years. Some experiences were positive, some not so positive.  It is not for the faint-hearted. And all the riskier when you are possibly vulnerable and looking for love.

We have all heard of cat fishing.  Where the supposed ‘Dater’, also known as ‘duplicitous keyboard warrior’ is so far removed from their profile that it can be hard to believe.   People have pretended to be different genders, stalked their exes by pretending to be someone else, and some have gone so far as to pretend that they have a terminal illness.

All of these endeavors obviously say more about the deceiver than the person being deceived. I have heard that dating Apps have been designed to be addictive. Some people have compared them to a real-life video game where it is best not to take them seriously.

After these experiences I was sworn off internet dating forever only to be lured back when Tinder hit the scene.  So much for my resolve?   It transpired that most men appear to be happy to choose me, request my number and then begin to commence a relationship founded on texting and nothing else. No meet ups, just ‘Goodnight’ and ‘Good morning darling’.  Needless to say, they didn’t last very long.

Happy dating.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Walking stick story

Just to continue on the theme of sticks from yesterday’s blog . I found this walking stick story heartwarming.

As I was walking Buzz and Finn earlier today, I passed a man walking with a stick. A little girl was with her Mam walking towards us in the park. They were also walking their dog.  The little girl turned around to her Mam and said ‘Oh, look at that man, he is bringing his stick for a walk ‘. Her Mam smiled, as did I. Such a sweet and innocent comment.

After my walk this morning I visited an elderly lady who is also a brilliantly talented artist.  She shared with me that her father had been a carpenter and that she had some pieces of furniture that he had made. They were two beautiful, very impressive and intricate side tables.

She then began to proudly display her walking sticks to me that her father had made. What was unique and spectacular about them was that each one had a beautifully carved dog’s head on the handle.

The lady herself is as fit as a fiddle.  She has a dog that she adores and walks every day. I cannot see her at any time in the future requiring the aid of a walking stick.  However, I am sure that she would perhaps, at times, like to take her father’s stick for a walk just to show it off.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Doggie self-service stick

Lately Finn (my lovely little black Morkie) has been going mental for sticks. I know it is not unusual for a dog to get obsessed with them but he has now resorted to self-service. Where previously he had the good grace to wait for me to source one. He now appears to have the ‘Feck ye, you are too slow, I ‘ll get me own’ attitude.

Whilst I am thrilled at his new found independence and resourcefulness. A little part of me still wants to be the one to find him a stick, throw it, and then watch as he fervently and forensically searches for the correct hiding place.

He will often wait for me to arrive at said proposed stick burial site whilst looking at me with a ‘What do you think?’ quizzical gaze. But then again, I may be reading too much into it.

Prior to the burial he will usually commence the whittling down of said stick.    His whittling skills are second to none. He can whittle a branch down to a pencil size in no time.

I found this website article which made my heart soar.    I hope you enjoy it.




That’s all for now


Stay fab



Weird habits Part 2

  1. Demi Moore- uses leeches to suck her blood.  Leeches have been used and are still being used in clinical practice to renew a blood supply to skin tissue that may be dying. Apparently, Demi uses it as a skin rejuvenation method.    Well, you only have to look at her to see that it works. However, I can imagine that it would not be to everyone’s taste. Having large black slimy slug like leeches sucking the blood from your face would not be my slimy cup of tea.


2. Cameron Diaz- Opens doors with elbows. Obviously, Cameron had a crystal ball and could envision the impending pandemic. She was way ahead of the posse with regards to infection control techniques.


3. Catherine Zeta Jones- brushes teeth with strawberries.     This is a weird one. What’s wrong with toothpaste?   Maybe this is what the cavemen and women did?   But how did they cope with removing the strawberry pips from between their teeth?   I doubt if ‘Flossing’ was a Neanderthal practice?   Although, who knows?


4. Tom Cruise – Uses Nightingale poop on his face.  Without a doubt this has to be my favorite.  And it just sounds ‘So Tom’.   Not just any bird poop?     But Nightingale poop. Not pigeon poop. Not raven poop.


MPA (Movies pun alert) however it must be a Risky Business sourcing said poop.  Although I am sure it was not a Mission Impossible.    He must be in a state of pure Oblivion whilst it is absorbing into his skin.  Ok I will stop now,

Stay fab



Weird Habits Part 1

The French composer ‘Erik Satie’ only ate white food. Who knew?

Apparently, celebrities have an untold number of weird habits.  Maybe just like the rest of us?   I am not averse to a weird habit myself. Picking up my dog poo is one.  Nobody else seems to think it is a good idea.

Also using my indicator whilst driving to indicate where I am going.  Again, it does not seem to be very popular. I find that my powers of telepathy come in really handy when this happens. Ok, you guessed I am having a bad day.


The following are some of the more notable weird habits.

  1. Sandra Bullock- Hemorrhoid cream on her face. I tried it and sustained burns beneath my eyes.  What a gobshite – I hear you murmur.


  1. Brad Pitt- Doesn’t use soap. I (like many others I am sure) would be more than content to overlook this rather unsanitary habit.   Given that it is Brad Pitt.     Only Brad Pitt could get away with this.  Oh, and Bradley Cooper- maybe it’s a Brad thing. Or not a Brad thing to use soap? Even that pun made me wince.


  1. Keisha- Used to drink her own urine. This appears to be common enough. Maybe she lived in Ireland for some time?   One of our favorite phrases is ‘Are you taking the piss?’, meaning, ‘Are you having a laugh?’.    Perhaps she took it literally?


That’s all for now

Stay fab



Cliche Queen Continued Part 2

  1. If you think it is too good to be true it probably is– I can generally apply this to some of the annoying adverts that pop-up on my laptop or in my experiences of Internet dating (More on the Internet dating in a separate blog).  Unfortunately, adverts are now popping up everywhere whether we like them or not. On Netflix, on YouTube and any social media sites that I spend any amount of time on. So many of them are a scam. Being discerning and cautious is the best attitude to have.


2. You can’t judge a book by its cover.  Well, maybe you can if you are a judge and are studying a law book.


  1. You never realize what you have until it is gone. Oh, so very very true.  I learnt this lesson the hard way. I had a beautiful pet unicorn as a child and one day it just disappeared.    Or maybe, coming to think about it……perhaps it was just a dream……. Maybe the cliché should be ‘Never trust a unicorn’.


  1. Actions speak louder than words – This is a bit of a mantra of mine.    It is very easy to launch a few throw away remarks at any given situation but the proof is in the doing.  It’s kind of up there with – ‘Shit or get off the pot’.

And on that coarse note I shall get off the pot. Whoops.I mean sign off.


That’s all for now


Stay fab



Cliché Queen Part 1

Today I am The Cliché Queen. However, as a young girl I was allergic to clichés. I wanted to be different.   Clichés were never going to apply to me.  Being unconventional was my goal.  Thinking and doing new things was what I believed defined me.

The irony of my thinking was that I was a pure stereotype of a young girl.  However now that I am older and hopefully a little bit wiser not a day goes by when a cliché has not helped in designing my day.


These are some of my favorites


  1. One day at a time– Also a famous country and western song by Dolly Parton.   Don’t get me started on my dislike for country and Western.   This cliché is my fav. It works.  Even every day.


  1. The best things in life are free– I can definitely attest to this. Sea swimming being the case in point. There is no membership. There is no opening or closing time. There are no changing rooms.

Modesty is always thrown out the window.  When the wind blows and what God has given me is on show to the rest of the swimmers on the beach I don’t care.

I don’t believe that other swimmers care either because for some reason when you come out of the sea you have a whole different perspective on life.  If someone asks ‘How is the craic?’ I can always reply ‘Nicely aired, Thank you’.

Seaze the day. Now there’s a cliché.


That’s all for now


Stay fab



Second quarter Top 20 best blogs Part 2

The above ‘Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody ‘video has absolutely nothing to do with this blog.   I just found it and it made me chuckle.  The Muppets always do.   They just can’t help themselves.

Below are my second quarter best blogs Part 2. Enjoy.


  1. Eau de Buzz


  1. The best of Absolutely Fabulous


  1. Guilty doggies


  1. Back in the sea


  1. The Bus Driver


  1. The Dog and the Duck


  1. Hairy lady garden


  1. Ingenious birthday presents


  1. Growing up Irish


  1. Zoom Narcolepsy meeting


That’s all for now


Stay fab

