Pepi Part One Of Six

Here is a short story that I have submitted to some online magazines recently. It is spiritual in nature, so, if this is not your thing, give it a swerve.



I sit mesmerized by the cherry blossom breeze outside my window. It is a welcome distraction from the looming task at hand. This is a call I do not want to make, and as I consider it, the chest heaviness coupled with the stomach knot begins. Well, here goes.

  • Hey, it’s me. Thanks for taking my call today. I had a bad dream last night, and I am feeling a bit down today. I need to self-nurture and journal how I feel on days like today. I wrote a few things down but began to cry, which surprised me.

At times, I think I am doing well and learning how to deal with my feelings, but apparently, not. Some say being too sensitive is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing to feel my feelings and others’ feelings, but it can also be exhausting. Now I am beginning to think I may be a narcissist for thinking I am an empath. However, another part of me resents this ever-growing psychobabble vernacular which seeks to constantly re-label everything. Others say over-sensitivity can be a superpower but that is just a little bit too positive and hippy-dippy for me.

All the best

Stay fab




Paul Brady Bagatelle The Island

I always loved the song Summer in Dublin when I was growing up. It was sung by Paul Brady when he was in the band Bagatelle.

One of my favourite lyrics is

  • I remember that summer in Dublin and The Liffey as it stank like hell and the young people walking on Grafton Street, everyone looking so well.

Possibly because I do remember the stink of the Liffey in the 1980s, and as Paul sings, it was always followed by the wonder and magic of walking up Grafton Street. And maybe, just maybe catching sight of The Dice Man (see previous blog.)


Summer in Dublin by Bagatelle

But I had no idea how much he is revered in the music industry and community. His music merges folk and pop. I love the line- We’ll make love to the sound of the ocean. But I cannot help but smile and think of scratchy sea grass and sand getting into bodily crevices, as it can be quite uncomfortable, I believe.

Cher, Tina Turner, Dylan, Mark Knopfler, and Van Morrisson, all played his songs.

Dylan compares him to Leonard Cohen & Lou Reed which is high praise indeed but so well deserved.

Paul Brady Interview

Paul Brady Song The Island NEW LIVE

Paul Brady Song The Island OLD LIVE


All the best

Stay fab


The Music of Poetry Workshop

Next month I am back at Dublin City University facilitating The Music of Poetry Workshop at The Healthy Living Centre. Daragh is my co-facilitator and a brilliant vocalist and lyricist. He has three albums under his belt and will be taking us through the history of music from the 50s and Buddy Holly to today. I am so excited as music is another obsession of mine.

Last year The Art of Poetry was a huge success as all of us found it to be a cathartic experience. I understand it is not for everyone and that people need to be in the right frame of mind to come to a workshop like this. Sharing work is never mandatory and holding a safe space for all our participants is always the priority.

I aim to produce an anthology of our work and write a stage play of our experiences ( It will have humour and pathos), called, The Art of Poetry. One of our students last year farted in the class and aptly named the moment, the fart of poetry, which I will have to add to the script. Just to bring everything back to base humour. Which seems to be an art form I continue to revel in.


All the best

Stay fab



The Swallow and The Wow Wow Wow Lady

I love writing rhymes and children’s stories and I have written a few of late. This came to me as I am sad that the swallows have left where I live to begin their migration to South Africa. The distance is 9500kms and it takes approx 40 days where they can cover almost 200 kms per day.

The Swallow and the Wow, Wow, Wow Lady.

The Swallow

Wow, Wow, Wow cries the lady as I fly swiftly by.

Soaring and swooping. Gliding and dipping. She is sad today and I make her smile.

I can see her tender spirit, as I beguile.

Why is she sad, I must swoop some more.

She cries, Wow, Wow, Wow, as her spirit soars.

And then the tears begin, humble and slow.

As she sits beneath my tree, her head bowed.

I perch on a branch above her head.

And call my friend Robin, from his bed.

She needs his birdsong to lift her light.

And he sings and he sings with all his might.

She raises her head, smiles, and says Wow, Wow, Wow.

Says, my beautiful birds, you have blessed me this moment, now.



The Wow, Wow, Wow Lady

I was sad as my doggie is at the vet today.

He was not himself; his energy had gone away.

They are caring for him with all their expertise.

 Your beauty and birdsong have given me such ease.

I have shed my tears and worried too much.

You have given me your grace. My spirit you have touched.

I know now that all will be well, the outcome is beyond my control.

You have blessed this moment and blessed my soul.

The Swallow

The next day she had a spring in her step.

And at her feet her beloved pet.

Saying, Wow, Wow, Wow,

As we ruffled our feathers and looked on from the branch bow.

        Wow, Wow, Wow, she cried, as I swooped and she scattered birdseed.

         We all swished and we swooped, having such a wonderful feed.

He is well, no more worries, just his iron was low.

I will feed him more vegetables, now that I know.


Adele Leahy

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