Poem My Daschunds


I am on a roll with the poetry. Here are my latest doggy tributes. I wrote this for my dear Aunt as she has had daschunds for over sixty years.


My Daschunds

My daschunds are frisky at my feet.

Tails wagging as I make my morning cup of tea.

Their endless love and joy make me complete.

They are my life, my loves, my furry family.

I pause for paws when the day is a struggle.

They ground me with gratitude and serenity.

A moment for a few mindful cuddles.

Dissipates any needling troubles or worries.

Their relentless quest for walkies and treats,

Keeps me on my toes with great purpose.

They rejoice at everyone they meet,

Gleefully welcoming them to my house.

They adore the fields and my cows too,

As I enjoy the barking and mooing chorus.

Their heads bobbing, ears flapping, almost too cute to be true.

This moment is sacred and momentous.


Adele Leahy

Stay fab


Pepi Part Six of Six

She told my son that I had to leave immediately. That it was her and the baby or me. I left. Confrontationtum makes me very anxious. I witnessed it a lot growing up and I have always avoided it like the plague. Even though I loved my husband, he knew how I felt about confrontation but would still start an argumentum at times for what appeared to be purely entertainment purposes. Or else it was a reason for him to head to the pub for the evening.

Now that I think about it, I should not have offered my opinion about my grandson to my son during yesterday’s call. I missed them desperately for seven years and have worked so hard to cultivate our relationship and be the best grandmother I can be, even if it is on the laptop via video most of the time. He has invited me over for Christmas, which I am thrilled about.

Oh, I just got a text from my son. He said sorry for being short with me yesterday but that he has work issues stressing him out. I am thrilled. He said that I was right and that teaching his son to stand proud for being Irish is something that he will endeavour to do.

God, thanks a million for taking my call this morning and for answering my prayers. Earlier on the thought of this call made me very anxious and I cannot explain why. God, every morning I call and every morning you answer and now I cannot stop crying with joy. I will call you at the same time tomorrow. Thank you, God, for my blessings.

By Adele Leahy


Stay fab



Pepi Part Five of Six

I know I need to keep my opinions to myself regarding how he and his wife rear their children. They  didn’t speak to me for seven years. But in this instance, I thought that I was right.

Do I want to revisit why my son didn’t speak to me ? No, not really, but I will if you think I need to. Their firstborn, my granddaughter, was brought home, and I was visiting them in Tipperary with Pepi, to help them out. Sheila ( yes, she is an Ozzy) insisted that Pepi was not to go near her daughter as she thinks dog saliva is dangerous. I think she is barking mad.

Later in the evening my son and daughter-in-law had a huge argument. The door was ajar between the living room and the kitchen so I heard everything. She had found flirty texts on his phone with a female colleague who she knew to be a serial adulterer. This woman had at least three affairs that she knew of. She was told this at their corporate Christmas dinner by one of the other wives.


My son was defending himself by saying that as she was the boss’s daughter, he found it difficult to ignore her texts. The subject of his drinking heavily at the weekends and staying out late also came up. And also the fact that he was not pulling his weight around the house with the new baby. The baby started crying. With all the shouting and Pepi went over and started licking her forehead. Before I could get him to stop Sheila came in and witnessed the scene.

All the best

Stay fab



Pepi Part Four of Six

I started making faces, and we played the silly faces game. I am quite proud of my capacity for gurning. Particularly when I give Finn the giggles, as I am better at it than him. He is like the son I wish I had. He has dyslexia and struggles in school; I asked him how he was getting on in class, and he told me that it was ok and that they had been studying European geography. The teacher asked the class if anyone knew anything about Ireland, and he said nothing. I asked why he did not want to tell the class and his teacher that he was born in Ireland and lived here until he was three before moving to America. His answer was, ‘He did not want to brag.’

This was one of the nicest things I have ever heard and I told my son. He said he was glad Finn had not mentioned it as nowadays it was best not to stand out too much. I said that I thought this was codswallop and that I had always taught him to be proud and stand tall, particularly as an Irish man. He said that we would have to agree to disagree., and he would need to end the call as his other phone was ringing. Now, I know I can be a bit deaf at times, but I certainly did not hear any other phone ringing.


All the best

Stay fab


Pepi Part Three of Six


I went to a few AA meetings once, when I thought that I had a problem and I began to have lucid drinking dreams. Somebody then told me when I had drinking dreams, I needed to drink as much as I could during the dream which made me smile.

Sorry, just give me a minute, as I want to make another cup of tea. Crikey, that was a close one. I nearly fell over the package I must post to my niece in Australia. It is full of the usual, Tayto, Barry’s tea and Irish sweets. She lives in Melbourne and works for some Ozzy Telecom company but their whole family adore the Tayto. When I babysat her as a child, I told her that Fairy Liquid was made from the souls of fairies when they died. She says she still has PTSD over it.

Thanks for holding on. So, whilst I was boiling the kettle, I was thinking about yesterday, and what may have happened that has me feeling lower than usual today besides the dream. And I remember I had a small disagreement with my son in America when we were chatting on Zoom. He was frustrated with me as convincing me to get another dog was not working. I kept telling him that I was not ready yet. He was all apologies about not being able to come back to Tipperary for Christmas this year as his wife needs gallstone surgery. I told him not to worry and that her health was the most important thing. I said he had some gall, but he didn’t think the joke was funny. My grandson Finn came onto the call with his beautiful bright blue innocent dancing eyes.


All the best

Stay fab



Pepi Part Two Of Six


I overanalysed last night’s dream as usual, but suffice it to say it was about being lost. In the last few weeks, this theme has featured in my dreams. I think last night was the third such dream. And I know what you will say: I am not looking after myself properly—not eating well and getting enough exercise—which is why I am lost in my dreams. I lack momentum and direction. I do love the word momentum, perhaps because of Tum at the end. More words should end with the word tum. Mine is too big, my tum, that it, as I ate too much, but my plan to reduce it is gaining momentum ( couldn’t resisttum.)


Giving up the gin was all very well and good, but I know I am nowhere near as fit as I could be. During my first yoga class last week, I was aghast at my spare tyres as I viewed them from a pathetic attempt at a downward dog. The fart mid pose did not help and as a result, I will not be going back, even though the lady on my right laughed.


In my dream, I was walking through the airport for days, trying to find the correct gate. The exhaustion was real, and everybody kept giving me the wrong directions. Lucid dreams like these leave me waking up with a hangover-type feeling without the joy of having had a drink.


All the best

Stay fab


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