Paul Brady Bagatelle The Island

I always loved the song Summer in Dublin when I was growing up. It was sung by Paul Brady when he was in the band Bagatelle.

One of my favourite lyrics is

  • I remember that summer in Dublin and The Liffey as it stank like hell and the young people walking on Grafton Street, everyone looking so well.

Possibly because I do remember the stink of the Liffey in the 1980s, and as Paul sings, it was always followed by the wonder and magic of walking up Grafton Street. And maybe, just maybe catching sight of The Dice Man (see previous blog.)


Summer in Dublin by Bagatelle

But I had no idea how much he is revered in the music industry and community. His music merges folk and pop. I love the line- We’ll make love to the sound of the ocean. But I cannot help but smile and think of scratchy sea grass and sand getting into bodily crevices, as it can be quite uncomfortable, I believe.

Cher, Tina Turner, Dylan, Mark Knopfler, and Van Morrisson, all played his songs.

Dylan compares him to Leonard Cohen & Lou Reed which is high praise indeed but so well deserved.

Paul Brady Interview

Paul Brady Song The Island NEW LIVE

Paul Brady Song The Island OLD LIVE


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