Pepi Part Five of Six

I know I need to keep my opinions to myself regarding how he and his wife rear their children. They  didn’t speak to me for seven years. But in this instance, I thought that I was right.

Do I want to revisit why my son didn’t speak to me ? No, not really, but I will if you think I need to. Their firstborn, my granddaughter, was brought home, and I was visiting them in Tipperary with Pepi, to help them out. Sheila ( yes, she is an Ozzy) insisted that Pepi was not to go near her daughter as she thinks dog saliva is dangerous. I think she is barking mad.

Later in the evening my son and daughter-in-law had a huge argument. The door was ajar between the living room and the kitchen so I heard everything. She had found flirty texts on his phone with a female colleague who she knew to be a serial adulterer. This woman had at least three affairs that she knew of. She was told this at their corporate Christmas dinner by one of the other wives.


My son was defending himself by saying that as she was the boss’s daughter, he found it difficult to ignore her texts. The subject of his drinking heavily at the weekends and staying out late also came up. And also the fact that he was not pulling his weight around the house with the new baby. The baby started crying. With all the shouting and Pepi went over and started licking her forehead. Before I could get him to stop Sheila came in and witnessed the scene.

All the best

Stay fab



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