Robin Williams making a gorilla laugh

I know I am a little obsessed. OK, a lot obsessed. Much has been written about Robin Williams and I like to think, my many many blogs add to the testament of his brilliance. Just when I thought he could not get any better, I came across this article where he makes a gorilla laugh.


The poor gorilla’s friend had died and she was sad. Her lips were trembling. The bear was called Koko and had been taught by a scientist to use sign language to communicate with humans. They asked Robin to meet her and see if he could help her with her grief.

Williams was patient and took the time to get to know Koko. They bonded and very soon Robin had her laughing. Call me biased, but I do not think any other comedian on the planet, now or then, could have had the same impact on Koko.

Sadly, Koko died 4 years following the interaction with Robin Williams, in 2018, at the age of 46. There is the expression to describe someone funny that I am aware of and it is

  • They would make the cats laugh.

Perhaps it should be changed to

  • They would make a gorilla guffaw.


Stay fab



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