Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast Part Four of Four


  1. Not say hello to the bees, busy on the lavender plants while I walk Buzz & Finn. IMPOSSIBLE.
  2. Be sullen and ungrateful for the day. Impossible. Although, I have my moments. I am not perfect but sometimes I am so close I can almost taste it.
  3. Stop saying – This Too Shall Pass, is a great motto for anyone suffering from constipation. Impossible. It makes me smile.
  4. Not write, in chalk on my local park path – Free swallow aerial display at 4 pm today. Impossible. It is such a spectacular display. The – Slow Down, Snails of Waterside crossing chalk path message, was a success.
  5. Not submit my three children’s books and the Triple D Comedy script. I have to extract the proverbial digit. Impossible. I have to do it.
  6. Perfect my Yodelling and Dolphin impersonation. Impossible. They are already perfect.

Which rabbit hole shall I go down today?

  1. Watch The Monty Python Silly Olympics clip on YouTube in preparation for the real Olympics next month?
  2. Google all the Irish Athletes that are competing. We have many hopefuls in swimming, boxing, rowing, track and gymnastics.
  3. Pretend that the Aldi Trolley Dash- when they open a new till- is an actual Olympic event .

All the best

Stay fab




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