Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast Part Three of Four

This will always be one of my favourite blogs as I adore Alice in Wonderland. I regularly find myself going down a rabbit hole, predominantly of the Google kind. So, here are parts three of four.

What rabbit hole will you be going down today? Keep it clean please……

  1. Leap out of bed with Joie de Vivre and Gusto. Impossible. Josi de Vivre and Gusto vehemently refused to get out of bed.
  2. To become vegetarian. Impossible. Even with the shite weather, it’s still BBQ season.
  3. Train Buzz and Finn to be less adorable. Impossible. They are ridiculously cute.
  4. Not get excited about performing at Electric Picnic in Mindfield next Month, as organised by the virtuoso, David Hynes. Impossible.
  5. Not get excited about performing my first Stand Up Comedy gig at The Ha’penny Bar Comedy Club in August. Impossible.
  6. Not to have the song, I like the way you kiss me, by Artemis, as an earworm in my head all day.

The Google rabbit and wormholes that I see myself going down today are most likely the following

  1. How to put together a trampette. It is a small trampoline and I have made three attempts so far, hopefully, this will be my final one.
  2. How to make oyster shell necklaces.
  3. How to find a real rabbit hole.

All the best

Stay fab



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