The Music of Poetry Workshop

Next month I am back at Dublin City University facilitating The Music of Poetry Workshop at The Healthy Living Centre. Daragh is my co-facilitator and a brilliant vocalist and lyricist. He has three albums under his belt and will be taking us through the history of music from the 50s and Buddy Holly to today. I am so excited as music is another obsession of mine.

Last year The Art of Poetry was a huge success as all of us found it to be a cathartic experience. I understand it is not for everyone and that people need to be in the right frame of mind to come to a workshop like this. Sharing work is never mandatory and holding a safe space for all our participants is always the priority.

I aim to produce an anthology of our work and write a stage play of our experiences ( It will have humour and pathos), called, The Art of Poetry. One of our students last year farted in the class and aptly named the moment, the fart of poetry, which I will have to add to the script. Just to bring everything back to base humour. Which seems to be an art form I continue to revel in.


All the best

Stay fab



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