Earth Day Part Two

Fifteen Minutes of Comedians on Climate Change

Businesses are also jumping on the eco-bandwagon, eager to show off their green credentials. From biodegradable phone cases to solar-powered chargers, it’s capitalism with a conscience.

And let’s not forget the eco-influencers, those warriors of the web spreading the green gospel. This Earth Day, they’re out in full force, posting glamorous selfies with the hashtag #EarthDayEveryDay. You can’t scroll for five seconds without seeing someone hugging a tree or posing with a reusable shopping bag. It’s the digital age’s answer to chaining yourself to a rainforest: less commitment, more likes.

But the real star of Earth Day 2024 is the comedy. The internet is flooded with hilarious takes on environmentalism.

My friend called me the other day and told me he hated working at the can recycling plant

He said it was, “soda pressing”

So this Earth Day, join the movement. Share a meme, plant a tree, or at least recycle that can of soda instead of tossing it in the trash. Remember, every small action helps. Plus, it gives you something to feel smug about at parties. Who doesn’t love the opportunity to casually drop, “Oh, I only use bamboo toothbrushes now,” into conversation?

In the end, Earth Day 2024 is about more than just laughs. It’s a reminder that while our planet’s problems are serious, our solutions don’t always have to be. Sometimes, a little humor is just what we need to inspire real change. So let’s make our planet great again, one hilarious meme at a time. Happy Earth Day, everyone! May your compost be rich, your carbon footprint small, and your eco-memes plentiful.

All the best

Stay fab


Earth Day Part One

Sean Lock on Climate Change – The first eight minutes are not climate-related but are still hilarious.


Earth Day 2024 is here! That special day when we all pause to appreciate our home planet and pretend we’re going to change our ways for more than 24 hours. It’s the eco-friendly equivalent of New Year’s resolutions, complete with grand promises and the inevitable return to bad habits as soon as the clock strikes midnight. But this year, Earth Day has a fresh twist: it’s all about eco-memes. That’s right, we’re saving the planet one laugh at a time. Because if laughter is the best medicine, maybe it can heal our ailing planet too.

In the spirit of 2024, Earth Day activities have gone digital and delightfully ridiculous. Schools are abuzz with kids showing off their recycling skills like they’re auditioning for an eco-friendly version of “America’s Got Talent.” The latest craze? Competitive composting. Little Timmy from down the street just turned banana peels into compost gold and has the TikTok followers to prove it. Plastic straws are so 2023. Now it’s all about reusable straws that double as fashion accessories. Who knew you could save the planet and look fabulous doing it?

Of course, adults are getting in on the fun too. This year’s Earth Day has more green-themed events than you can shake a sustainably sourced stick at. Local coffee shops are introducing a “Treepresso”—for every cup you buy, they plant a tree. Sure, it costs an extra dollar, but think of the Instagram likes. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter. “Oh, this latte? It’s saving the rainforest, one frothy sip at a time.”

All the best

Stay fab




Bullying in Nursing Part Two

Another friend told me of when a Nursing Sister screamed at her ‘Nurse, you are a disgrace to the profession, how can you come to the ward without your fob watch.’ She was told to leave the ward, in front of the Surgical team. She still has PTSD from it to this day.

But my all-time favourite story is from a Galway Nurse working in Beaumont Neuro Intensive Care. She had worked in the unit for three years and everyone loved her as she was a brilliant nurse and great craic.

It was her last day as she worked her months’ notice and planned to travel to Asia and Australia for a year. Two neurosurgeons (who were good friends) were at the end of a patient’s bed and they were arguing throughout treatment. One surgeon was the patient’s Doctor and the other Surgeon was visiting the patient in the next bed. They had just begun chatting when one asked the other, out of curiosity, for their opinion. It was a friendly chat and the nurse said, ‘Why don’t ye both just unzip your trousers, pop your lads up on the bed table and we’ll sort this out for once and for all.’ They both laughed at her audacity and carried on with their rounds. It was such an outrageous comment to make to two neurosurgeons that I can never forget it as it always makes me smile.

All the best

Stay fab


Bullying in Nursing Part One

Lately, I have been speaking with some nursing friends who have told me their tales of bullying. Bullying in Nursing is a theme in my debut Romantic Comedy as it is something I am quite passionate about. I thought it no longer took place but I was informed that it is as rife today as it was for me, thirty years ago.

My favourite story is when I was working in a certain Intensive Care and was bullied as I had used a downward arrow for blood pressure recording when an upward arrow ( for a particular neurosurgeon) was required. It was Christmas Day, and we were ( as usual) understaffed and unable to take breaks as some of the patients were agitated, trying to get out of bed and unplug a ventilator of the patient beside them. I was crying as the Senior Nurse Manager shouted at me. She said – You are one useless Nurse. Surely you know that Mr.X insists his blood pressure arrows are the opposite of how we normally record them? Can you do anything right?

Two decades later I am at lunch with another Clinical Nurse Manager in a Nursing Home where I was the Assistant Director of Nursing. Bullying in Healthcare was the topic for discussion and I told her my story. She asked me what the Manager looked like. I told her. She mentioned a name. I said, ‘Yes, that, was her, how do you know?’

And she said, ‘ She is my sister, and she is a bitch.’ How we both chuckled.

All the best

Stay fab


April Fool’s Day 2024

Where do I even begin? At this rate, I know you will not believe a thing I write as often its veracity is questionable, particularly on April Fool’s Day.

So, let’s play a game. Two truths and one lie. Can you guess which is which?

  1. I have three kidneys.
  2. I am clairvoyant.
  3. I have a divining rod for making decisions.

If you get it right you will win some fresh air for your lungs via a very deep breath intake. I can guarantee it will be extremely refreshing and you will also have the added factor of feeling smug.

I am a divil for a practical joke. When the movie Sixth Sense came out, I opened all the cupboards in my kitchen before it was over to try and prank my friend. But she could tell by the glint in my eye that I was up to no good. Whilst nursing on nights in Intensive Care in the Neuro Richmond Unit at Beaumont Hospital many moons ago I cut up suppositories with a scalpel and tried to pass them off as mints. But I got found out pretty sharpish. They were very long nights at times.

All the best

Stay fab


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