Angel Card Reading Part 1 ( 1 of 3 ) Kali-Ma

I had a wonderful angel card reading from a friend the other day.   She shared with me the cards that she had been chosen the night before.   And I then went on to choose the exact same ones which was very coincidental in and of itself.

My first card was the Hindu goddess ‘Kali ma’ who is the goddess for time, creation, destruction and power.  This resonated with me as I had been entering writing competitions with deadlines and getting frustrated with a couple of the story lines.  Which I know is par for the course.

Hence, I was creating with time limits whilst simultaneously editing and deleting some of my work.   Kali-Ma destroys evil forces and has also been known as The Divine Mother or Mother of the Universe. She is worshipped by Hindus throughout India and Nepal.

Lately a few weird things have been happening to me.  At least a bit weirder than normal.   Wonderful weirdness is what sustains me.  As I walked around the corner of my apartment last week with Buzz & Finn a hanging flower basket fell to the ground.  It freaked me out.  Then a few days later I arrived at a friend’s house and as I walked into her hallway the carbon monoxide alarm fell from the ceiling to the ground.

Burning sage is good for banishing any negative energy and the friend that did my Angel cards had also bought me some sage from her holidays. I burnt the sage in my house and outside around my patio. I told my friend about the flower basket and mentioned that if she had any sage, it might be an idea to burn some once, I left.

We laughed as I realized the craziness of burning sage once a guest has left. After all it’s not ideal.


All the best

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