My angel card today is ‘Acceptance’. To see myself as others see me through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance is vital. In this way I will inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential.
Sometimes I struggle with the whole self-love and acceptance concept but then I can remind myself that If I choose to accept who and where I am in my life at that moment, without resistance, that this can be self-love.
On occasion when I meet somebody that annoys me, I need to think that they are there to remind me that I am possibly looking in the mirror and that I need to do some spiritual work on myself. Don’t get me wrong. I am no angel. Even though I may have a pack of their cards.
Like everyone else I have good days and bad days. When I was younger one of my school reports had the phrase ‘When she is good, she is very very good, and vice versa’.
I had a bit of an imp in me and to be honest still do. But not to the degree of when I was younger. Perhaps I have mellowed with age.
All the best
Stay Fab
Cards are from The Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance Oracle cards