Bealtaine and Shamanic Journeying

I had the pleasure of attending my first Shamanic Journeying event hosted by a dear friend @nicolaclare11, to celebrate Bealtaine. It was a really powerful shared experience with a group of like-minded souls. Exploring the world of shamanic journeying led to some unexpected moments for me.


  1. Unexpected Power Animals – AARDVARK – This animal greeted me by the well, in my mind, as he dined delightfully on dandelions. Walking through fields to a well was part of the visualisation. I love Aardvarks, primarily the word, as where I live in Dublin they are few and far between. Perhaps the fact that it is the first word in the English Dictionary also appeals to me besides the fact that I think it is a very silly and lovely word.


  1. First-Time Surprises: As I was walking towards the well. I walked in Aardvark poo. The meaning and relevance of this is beyond me but years ago I recall investigating a poo dream to discover that it is a prophecy for good fortune.


  1. The Art of Letting Go – Part of the Shamanic Journeying was to imagine myself as a child. This was thoroughly enjoyable as I recall a butterfly tickling my nose while walking through the Botanic Gardens.


  1. Strange Yet Insightful Journeys: Shamanic journeying often involves vivid and unexpected adventures. The Aardvark told me to let go of the imposter syndrome holding me back with my writing. He said rejections were stepping stones to perfecting my art and that I could imagine myself as an Armadillo with a hard shell whenever I get rejections. I loved this suggestion. Here is to my success. Yay.
  2. The fact that the word Armadillo can also be easily transformed into the word Armadildo also makes me smile. Rather a lot to be honest. But that’s just my filthy mind.

All the best

Stay fab




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