Cork Day 2 ( 2 of 3)

Mick was the name of the host that met us and he was nowhere as old as I had initially thought.  He was wearing a tee shirt with ‘Goa, India’, emblazoned across the front. I decided that he must be an aging hippie, much like myself.

His giant Doberman was only 11 months old. Buzz and Finn were delighted to meet them both. I was very apologetic about getting so lost and he mentioned that a couple had come from South Africa the previous week and had no problem finding the place.  I felt like a right Jackeen eejit.

The first night I was tired after meeting family and was glad to get back to my room.  That night I had a fitful sleep because of a nightmare.  I woke up three times to use the loo and each time there was a very strong smell of smoke in the room.

The brand of cigarette was familiar to me as I used to smoke them myself.  When I woke up the next morning the smell of smoke had gone. My nightmare consisted of distorted and disfigured images of people flashing before my eyes. It was very disconcerting.

My room was completely separate from the main house as it was a standalone building.  When I met Mick in the morning, I was reticent to discuss the smoking smell.   I knew I could not mention the nightmare as he would then know that I am completely and utterly doolally.   I generally hide it quite well. Apart from this blog…………………..

All the best

Stay Fab


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