I wrote this 8 years ago for the Dubai Irish Society annual when I was their chairperson.   At the time it was referencing the end of the recession that we were all experiencing. However, it seems to be just as relevant now.

Oh, and just so that I can manage your expectations.   My twitter bio says that I am a woeful poet and I try to maintain that standard at all times.


Covid Christmas 2020


Our country is kneeling at the altar

It’s promising to comply, to never again falter

The craic and the laughter seem to fade away

But the spirit of our country is only fleetingly held at bay

Our history and our courage will always stand us in good stead

Our love for our country is in our hearts and in our head

We have been through much worse with our heads held high

The love for my country brings a tear to my eye

The diaspora champion our country with their might charm and cheer

Reminding everybody why the Irish are held so dear

This challenge will not define us but will only increase our might

The spirit of our country is our burning brightest light


Adele Leahy



Covid Christmas, We got this



So, shall dis dancing (social distancing) be ok?

Or shall I move further away?

I want to gel with folks

Not buy hand gel and fear I croke

Must I buy a meal with my pint?

Can I not just drink and be ‘ag caint?’

Sesame Street’s’ Grover’ explains ‘near, far ‘

But I just want to drive forever in my car.

I am desperate for a hug

And a snog in a snug

We are good at our compliance

But I need some feckin romance

We’ll get through this but we have lost so many

We’ll light a candle for a euro, when once it was a penny

Santa is Covid safe and so are his crew

Even the naughty will get presents too

We will slay this virus and live free again

Once we have one another all our efforts are not in vain.


Adele Leahy


Sesame Street-Near, far (A fav of mine from when I was a kid.  And now, also.  To be honest, even more so now)






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