Graham Norton and Dave Grohl

This has to be one of my favorite Graham Norton interviews. For many reasons. The fact that Ireland inspired Dave Grohl to start The Foo Fighters. But also, the fact that as he named the ring of Kerry as one of the most remote places on the planet, we can be pretty sure that this will no longer be the case. Dingle no longer has the famous dolphin Fungie so now they will be overrun with Nirvana and Foo Fighter fans.

Graham Dave Grohl Ring of Kerry

In 2017 I went to Glastonbury to celebrate my birthday. The Foo Fighters were headlining on Saturday night. Our group made a collective decision to not see them and head to the Shangri-La area.   It is an awesome space of art installations and weird and wacky phenomena.

It can be very difficult to get into most times due to it’s popularity.  Our logic was that as everyone would be at The Pyramid stage watching The Foo Fighters that we would have the place to ourselves. And we were not wrong.   I had seen my favorite band Radiohead the night before and was as happy as I could ever be.

My fondest memory of Shangri-La that night was entering a tube carriage complete with disco and strobe lights to mosh to punk for 2 minutes. It was such a surreal experience.

Part of me wishes that we saw the Foo Fighters as I believe they were amazing.

I was thinking that the name ‘Kerry’ must be rather an unfortunate name to have if you live in Ireland. The childhood taunts of the ‘Ring of Kerry’ must be a real burn.

All the best

Stay Fab


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