Poem Templenacarriga

I wrote this poem for my Aunty Nora who lives in a place called Templenacarriga near Midleton in County Cork. Back in September this year I visited and we went down the field with her dachshunds to meet her cows. It was a cherished moment for me. When she told me that she talks to her cows, I said – Why wouldn’t you?



Saffron leaves have turned to gold.

The manure farm air invigorates my body and my soul.

My cathedral of God’s given earth.

Blesses my senses on this morning’s birth.



The Robin worships his tree with song.

Lost in the chirping chorus, this is where I belong.

His proud red breast glorifies my sanctuary.

As I rejoice and give thanks for my health, my farm and family.



A hush and my secret silence descends.

The chandelier spider’s web with dew drops glistens.

A rabbit spots me and scurries into a bush.

The inky sky attempting to blot out the sun’s blush.



My dachshunds are dashing around my feet.

As they invigorate my retreat.

Their infectious energy adds to my joy sense.

I amble down the hill to my Friesian friends.



Communing with my cows always delivers delight.

As they come, we discuss our day and our night.

I tell them what is on my mind and they tell me what is on theirs.

We dispel one another’s worries, troubles, and cares.



My ancestral divinity infuses this land.

God gathers me in his beauty and takes me by the hand.

This farm is my heavenly compass.

My morning baptismal is how I am blessed.


Adele Leahy

All the best

Stay fab


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