Saturday Night Live ‘What still works?’

This is an interesting, accurate and wry look at the USA today. So the government with QAnon representatives are raising scary questions, the stock market may well be broken, social media is forcing people to go underground via the dark web, and the vaccination program may well be deeply flawed.     But besides all of this I think that things are all pretty dickety boo……….

Kate McKinnon is a comedy genius and I am surprised that we do not see more of her. I always love to see female comedians smashing it.  Although she is at a level pegging with the hilarity of Melissa McCarthy.

So today I asked myself ‘What still works for me?’


  1. My kettle.
  2. My PC.
  3. My didgeridoo.
  4. My passport- although, it’s taking some time off.
  5. My nail file, although I did snag a nail earlier today with it. I realize it is very much a first world problem, but overall, I would say that it is working.
  6. My lamp- it gives me light which is imperative for a lamp.
  7. My shower – it gives me hot high-pressured water which is a true blessing. (And imperative for a shower)


These are my external things that work for me today. The internal is doing OK too. Although I was calling Finn, Fizz today which is a mash up of Buzz and Finn which did concern me for a moment or so. Although Finn didn’t seem to be too perturbed.

That’s all for now

Stay fab




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