Silly Tuesday

Today I have decided to be silly. And the Godfathers of silliness are The Monty Python team.

One of their best sketches must be The Ministry of Silly Walks. With John Cleese at his very very best. I learnt recently that they are doing another series of Fawlty Towers which should, hopefully, be a treat. Although, sometimes I feel certain classics are best left alone. John is said to team up with his daughter, Camilla Cleese, as they will both write and star in the comedy.

I have mentioned these clips before in honour of being silly but today I figure that they merit mentioning again to justify my longing for silliness.

The Ministry of Silly Walks

The Silly Olympics tickles me also

Monty Python-Would you like to buy an argument?

And Philosophy football

In honor of the genius of Monty Python, I pledge to carry out the following acts of silliness today

  1. To complete a full grocery shop performing the silly walk intermittently.
  2. Try and engage a friend in a -Would you like to buy an argument, debate.
  3. To ask the person in a petrol station whilst paying for petrol if they sell squirrels.

If you can think of any more, please let me know as I am hoping to dedicate one day a month to being very silly indeed.


All the best

Stay fab


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