The forgotten art of daydreaming

Hardly a day goes by when I do not indulge myself in my finely honed skill of day dreaming for a brief few moments. It is a much maligned and seriously underrated skill. Occasionally a mental triathlon ensues. This is the point where my daydreaming encompasses imagination, delusions and fantasy (although I draw the line at hallucinations).

I was having one of my daydreams whilst walking Buzz and Finn. Finn was having a poo and was squatting over my neighbor’s garden plant. He was practically giving himself a plant enema. Bolted out of my daydream I watched wistfully hoping he would finish soon as I would need to begin the clean-up.    He has done this before when I am not being as mindful as I should be.   As he was born on a farm, he is drawn to greenery for his ablutions whereas Buzz is more a middle of the path pooch.  Back to my daydreaming.

Tosh, I hear the cynics amongst you say. Surely this is just an excuse for the lazy, lesser focused individuals to take time out? Not at all. On the contrary, daydreaming allows the mind to meander to a world where stress, Covid and timelines cease to exist, rendering a person more productive upon return to daily activities.

How can thoughts such as ‘Where do park rangers go to get away from it all?’ (Sadly, nowhere now, like the rest of us, but we will get through this.’) Or the leopards? Let’s not forget them. How do they frame their response when a member of their leap refuses to change (leopards, spots?) ….be deemed a waste of one’s time?

And furthermore where did the word ‘sandwich’ originate and not ‘bread wedge?’ Why can I not be just ‘whelmed’ as opposed to being over it? Where does assertion end and aggression begin?  (Maybe when you get too much sand in your bread wedge)

Anyhoo, I ‘m off to have a much-earned luxurious daydream.

That’s all for now.

Have a great day.

Stay fab.



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