Michael McIntyre on Dieting
I can sympathize with Michael McIntyre’s metabolism. Mine has the speed of a constipated snail. Dieting has to be the most frustrating subject ever. It has been the bane of my life.
As a teenager I crash dieted and since then the Yoyo diets have been a main annual feature. Like the title says. The string gets caught in my teeth. Most people have found themselves on one at some time in their lives. I have tried the following throughout the years with questionable results
- The Cabbage Diet- The house smelt like Old McDonald’s Farm. My eyes were watering and I was wincing with the fumes. I expected to lose an extra few pounds as I had to leg it out to the back garden so many times with perpetual farting. No such luck. I can recall losing approx. 3 pounds. When I was guaranteed at least 7lbs. I was devastated and then in my wisdom decided to go on the Keto Diet.
2. Keto Diet- This is where you can eat your body weight in fat and protein. I found it to be very unpleasant as I do not enjoy eating or cooking with fat like oil or cream at the best of times. After one week I gained 5 lbs. Buzz and Finn left the bedroom once I had hopped off the scales. I call it a ‘Mood Machine’. They can both pick up my vibe pretty sharpish and felt that I needed to be alone in my misery.
My dieting tales of woe shall continue tomorrow.
That’s all for now
Stay fab