Angel Card Reading White Eagle Part 2 ( 2 of 3 ) Ancestor Spirit

My second card was ‘White eagle Ancestor spirit’. This is a sign to follow my intuition and to heal any relationships that require my attention. I am being reminded to ask for help and support from my ancestors.

I have learnt over the years to follow my instinct. As when I do not my life stinks.  Malcolm Gladwell wrote a wonderful book about instinct called ‘Blink’ and how it is our most primordial of tools.

Existing long before language did. It is when we ‘know something without knowing something’.  I do not always get it right but I rely on it more and more as I get older.

The strange synchronicity around this card was that I had blogged about the native American Indian ‘Sacheen Littlefeather’ two weeks previous.  And how she had spoken on behalf of Marlon Brando at The Oscars when he rejected his Oscar for The Godfather.

I had used the joke phrase ‘Tickle your arse with a feather’ with somebody the previous day also. When you say it very quickly the other person is not sure what you have said and you then go onto say ‘Particularly nice weather’. It gets a giggle. Although I am not sure it is relevant to this blog. I just needed a giggle, I guess.

I had some relationship healing to do and I began the process. A very large slice of humble pie was washed down with a nice cup of tea.  I would have liked a bit more sugar in the humble pie but there you go. There is still a lot of work to do and I accept that.  Receiving this card was very timely indeed.


All the best

Stay fab


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