Group names- Adele style

Following on from yesterday’s animal group names I would like to offer the following for your review and comments please.

Whilst walking Buzz and Finn we frequently happen upon several other dogs. This always brings a smile to my face.  To see their collective tails wagging.    The official collective noun is – a pack of dogs. My personal choice would be –Group of dogs- A Wag of Dogs


Here are some other suggestions.


  1. Gathering of cats – A Meow of Cats (the three official collective nouns are – a clutter, a glaring, and a pounce)


  1. Gathering of bees- A Buzz of Bees (the official collective noun is – A bike. Who knew? )


  1. Gathering of Drag Queens a Bliss (As they are all following their bliss)-OK, I know I have gone rogue here as they are not animals. But I am sure that they would disagree with me when they are on a good night out.


  1. Gathering of skunks- A pong. Self-explanatory really. However, the official collective noun is –A stench- which is rather good.


  1. Ducks- A quack. Although the official one- a paddle – is rather apt.


  1. Group of Giraffes- A Neck- The official one is – A Tower
  2. Group of zebras- A stripe- The official one is ‘A zeal’, which I love.

And finally

A group of writers (I know. Gone rogue again). –   A scribe of writers? A chapter of writers? An imagination of writers.  A google search revealed the official noun is ‘A worship of writers. Not sure about this one…………

Let me know what you think.


That’s all for now


Stay fab



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