Ho’oponopono Prayer

I came across this lovely prayer recently. It is an Hawaiian forgiveness ritual to be recited to yourself in times of need.  In particular when your self-critic is dominant and you need more self-compassion. This for me has been quite a bit of late.

I was thinking what the Irish version of this would be. It would possibly be something like this

Irish Ho’oponopono prayer

Cop yourself on

You gobshite

Get it together

Grand, now howz the craic?


As a nation we are not known for our self-compassion.  When someone is asked how they are the response is generally ‘Ah, grand, Thanks’.  Whether they are or not.  Any other response would silently be deemed as either too much information or a bit ‘wet’. Although this has changed with Covid. People are more honest and open as everyone is getting a bit fed up with never ending lock downs.

Considering a virus has changed our world I began to consider when everything started going viral? Apparently, this began in 2009 when the first video went viral around the world.

My mind began to run riot as I pondered the possibility of whether we manifested Covid globally.  Did this come back to bite us in the arse? Then I began to think that I was going nuts for even thinking this. Which, in fairness, I probably was at the time.

Our vaccine roll out strategy was not the fastest to begin with. They started with the over 80’s. I thought why don’t you just start with everyone over the age of 110 years and give yourself some decent leeway.

I think I need to say the prayer again now as sarcasm doesn’t suit me.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


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