I got into the car and blasted on the heat. When I got home, I ran a really hot bath and stayed in it for 2 hours, constantly topping it up with hot water. When I got out, I was still shivering.
Buzz and Finn are my two lovely dogs and I couldn’t remember Finn’s name. I was calling him Fizz. I put on my electric blanket and crawled into bed. Buzz and Finn needed to be let out for the loo. When I got up my vision was blurred and I was dizzy.
Apparently the two things that you are not supposed to do with hypothermia are getting into hot water or use warming electrical appliances. Who knew? I have never cared for anyone with hypothermia so was clueless. It wasn’t until I could focus enough after 18 hours sleep the next day that I checked the symptoms and the treatment on my phone.
The final physical insult was in getting out of bed I needed to fart. Then I wasn’t so sure that it was a fart. It was touch and go, but the sheets were saved. I could not eat for 2 days. Lost 3kgs throughout the week, we hey.
And I still want to get back into the sea once this icy cold snap dispels. As I like to say the sea is my frequensea.
That’s all for now
Stay fab