Porn Star names

A few years ago, I was on a committee where we had finished our annual conference.  We were all gathered in the evening for dinner and were having pre dinner drinks. There were many professors in our presence and somebody began to discuss porn star names.  Most of us had heard of this game and a few had not. The game was explained to those who were unaware in that your porn star name is your first pets name and your mother’s maiden name.  There were 18 of us gathered around a huge table in the corner of the hotel bar.

When it came around to me, I had thought about telling the truth and then I thought again.  The minx in me took over.  Silence fell as everyone was waiting for me to reveal my name.  I took a deep breath and announced, ‘Licky Licky long time’.

There was a moment’s delayed reaction until everyone realized what I had said, and then howls of laughter.  I started laughing also as I could not keep a straight face anymore.  One of the Professors at the end of the room said ‘Really, is that really your porn star name’ and I explained that it wasn’t. My first pet was a beautiful grey poodle called ‘Pepi’ and my mother’s maiden name is ‘Leahy’, therefore ‘Pepi Leahy’ would be my real porn star name.

I’ve realized since that ‘Licky Licky long time’ is actually quite a good name and perhaps if I do ever decide to enter the industry or open an Only Fans page that this might stand to me. Then again, perhaps not.


That’s all for now.

Have a great day.

Stay fab.
