
Over the last week, I have been experiencing a phenomenal number of synchronicities. On a day-to-day basis, I might encounter one of two, but the last few days have been off the scale. I had Four-B (4B) written on my hand to remind me that I had four blogs to write. Whilst on a zoom meeting, I glanced at my hand and the 4B blog reminder whilst simultaneously, someone on the meeting mentioned 4B as they were referencing a point in a policy.

A few hours later, whilst taking a writing break, Emma Thompson appeared on my TikTok. I am obsessed with her as her feminine power is palpable, and I cannot wait to see her this weekend in ‘Goodbye to Leo Grande’. At the same time, a photo of her appeared on my laptop screensaver as all my blog photos are on a loop, and Emma had featured in one.

I have used a London Underground map outline to map my story arc, which I found on the internet last year and find very useful. Whilst looking through my photos for a picture, I came across it. Later, when walking Buzz and Finn, I passed by somebody’s doorway and on their doormat was the outline of a tube line. Every time I walk them now, I see it.

All the best

Stay Fab


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