Little Britain – Fat fighters (Marjorie)

I started a diet a few months ago and the results have been less than satisfactory. Whenever I start one all I can hear is Marjory from Little Britain screaming ‘I love a bit of cake’. And then unfortunately I become obsessed with having a bit of cake.

Little Britain – Fat fighters ‘Cake’ .

Or the prospect of having to eat dust also comes to mind.

Little Britain-Fat fighters ‘Dust’

This type of comedy is no longer deemed correct as it is seen as being too offensive to fat people.

Little Britain – Fat fighters (Marjory)

‘Hey fatty bum bum’.  I used to sing this as a child and thought that it was hilarious.  At the time it just seemed like a funny rhyme.

Little Britain is now part of the cancel culture. I don’t truly understand this thinking as I see my favorite types of comedy as being offensive. It is a breath of fresh air when a comedian says something out loud that I may have been thinking but have been too afraid to voice.

I have been at a comedy club in Dublin and been insulted.  But I just laughed wholeheartedly. Taking life seriously is a full-time job and when I am at a comedy club, I seek a break from the societal conventions of always saying and doing the right thing.

Little Britain – Fat fighters (Marjory) and Meera ‘Curry’.

This clip can be seen as quite racist but I just see it as one person not understanding the accent of another. As an Irish person we have so many different dialects and we frequently get tourists trying to imitate the Irish accent.  None of us take offence as we just see it as light hearted banter.  Am I wrong?  Let me know what you think. I ‘m off to have some dust.

All the best

Stay Fab


Best of fourth quarter 2021 Part 3 (Part 3 of 3)


  1. Spooky happenings as I go about my business. Too many coincidences require me running around my home with sage to clear the energy.


  1. Whilst working in Saudi in the early 90’s I recall some great memories. We had the life of Reilly Bin Mayhem.

Riyadh Jail Part 1


3.My delusions often take me to imagining myself as a marine Dr.Doolittle befriending seals whilst swimming in Portrane Tower Bay.


  1. My obsession with Miriam Margolyes continues. Unashamedly.


  1. It is difficult for me to see somebody who is as close to an Adonis as is humanly possible be so funny. Chris Hemsworth you are too funny and too gorgeous.


  1. ‘Where does all the fat go?’ Damned if I know. It was cute to have rolls of fat as a baby but apparently not so much nowadays.


  1. Whose Line is it Anyway continues to be one of my all-time favorite TV shows. Anything that requires spontaneous improvisation always inspires me.


  1. This little fella is just cute for words. ‘Your welcome’.


  1. Daniel Craig’s final Bond Movie is superb. But then I am guessing that you already know that. Here are my favorite Bond theme songs.


  1. What if Bond Movies were made in Ireland? What would they be called? Here are a few suggestions for your perusal. Any other suggestions will be greatly received.

Irish Bond Film names


Feck the villains’.

‘It’s grand. We got this’.

‘A ride and a rasher’.

‘Cold minger’ as opposed to Goldfinger.

And finally

‘Deadly Dublin’.


All the best

Stay Fab


Best of fourth quarter 2021 Part 2 (Part 2 of 3)

  1. When I heard that Sean Lock had passed away, I dropped a few tears.  Like many millions of others, I adored him.  His wry, surreal and dry sense of humor will be sorely missed.

  1. What can I say? Finn at his glorious best.   Post groom doing his poo roll in the park with such zeal and fervor that I could only describe it as a doggiegasm. Trying to stop him was an unsuccessful endeavor.

  1. Every time I go to Malahide beach with Buzz and Finn, I think of the shit sand artist. Possibly a new Banksy in the making? Who knows?

4.This true story of survival is hard to believe. A young boy at sea for thirteen hours in County Kerry saved by a pod of dolphins.

  1. I enjoyed recalling my wild and heady youthful days of headshaking. And passing the chalice onto my sister by teaching her my technique.

6.Where is the baby that appeared on the front cover of Nirvana’s Nevermind album now? And do you care ? Probably not…………


  1. My number is up. I have been reported to the Canine Federation of Ireland for unequal cuddling by Buzz and Finn. Lesson has been learnt.


  1. What a program? What a talent? Phoebe Waller Bridge is a genius. The opening scene of Fleabag is possibly my favorite scene ever.


9.It was a slow day and I decided to create alternative lyrics to this song.


  1. Yay. My short story about a very very very naughty nun will be published in Thi Wurd magazine in February 2022.  Inspired by Fleabag.

All the best

Stay Fab


Best of fourth quarter 2021 Part 1 (Part 1 of 3)

Having completed a full year blogging here are my favorite blogs from the last quarter.

  1. Morning furry cuddles, kisses and belly rubs. The best doggy daily alarm ever.


  1. Besides Adele I think that Jennifer Lawrence has to be the funniest celebrity on the planet. She does not take herself or anyone else too seriously which is always so refreshing.


  1. Rockstars after they were famous was possibly one of my favorite blogs ever. Imagining joke jobs for current bands was never going to be a chore. Music, singers, songs and wordplay really float my boat. I unashamedly admit to being a bit of a nerd.


  1. Jimmy Carr and Johnny Vegas are a match made in heaven. Two comedy Gods extracting the urine from one another. What’s not to like?


  1. Without a doubt the best acceptance speech award has to go to Spike Milligan for this. I also love the fact that on his gravestone he has written’ I told you I wasn’t well’.


  1. I embrace my crazy side. As I have gotten older hiding it has become too exhausting.

  1. Me and my ingenious ideas. And somebody beat me to it.

  1. Elton John is another refreshing celebrity that does not take himself too seriously which is evident from this clip.

  1. Finn has notions far greater than his little size.

Which just makes him cuter in my eyes.( I’m a poet and I don’t know it).

  1. Irish sayings- we have so many. Yet seem to use so few. Here are some of the best.


All the best

Stay Fab


Naughty Naughty Priest Father King

You couldn’t make this up. Or if you did you would be hung drawn and quartered for gross indecency.   A Galway Bishop has placed a priest on indefinite leave following his posting of controversial videos on TikTok.  Father King from Renmore in Galway was ordained in 2016 and was a parish priest of Gort in County Galway.

In the video he suggests playing Highway To Hell at a funeral mass whilst appearing topless and also discussing sex and alcohol.   Other songs that he would have on his funeral Mass playlist are Queen’s Another one bites the dust, The Bee Gees Stayin alive and the dance hit You’ll never see me again. He forgot Always look on the bright side of life .

Another post shows a woman using a blow dryer between her legs alongside a video of the priest who asks her what she is doing.

‘I’m heating up your dinner’.

To which Fr.King replies ‘I’m hungry’.

All of this is shocking, disrespectful and upsetting.  But like lots of things in life it is all about perspective. Prior to becoming a priest Father King had worked as a bouncer in nightclubs and bars in Galway.  He had also spent time in Dubai before entering the priesthood.

Maybe I am wrong but perhaps his life prior to becoming a priest was a sign that the vocation was not for him?   It’s like a porn star becoming a nun. I do believe we all deserve second chances in life to turn our lives around but this was too outrageous to not blog about it.  I wonder what he will do next? Maybe an alternative Funeral Director?

All the best

Stay Fab


Swimming Yoga and coconut oil

I had a lovely swim over the weekend and our post swim discussion was the merits of yoga and coconut oil.  It got me thinking about the possibility of applying coconut oil to my body post swim- to moisturize my skin and then to do a yoga session on the beach. It made me smile as I could visualize myself slipping and sliding all over the yoga mat and then onto the sand.  To end up being covered in it.

The problem for people that don’t swim is that people like me never shut up about it.   With the slightest ounce of encouragement, I can launch into the benefits of cold-water therapy and swimming in the sea.

It’s like anyone that is passionate about yoga and coconut oil.   For some reason we claim that it cures almost anything that ails you.   It probably doesn’t but what you get is time away from thinking about what it is that ails you.

I am bound to feel better when I get out of the sea. But perhaps the primary reason is that I am not freezing anymore.   It does reset my mind and I definitely do have more energy afterwards.

The social scene and camaraderie where I swim are so nourishing.   My apologies. I seem to have forgotten how annoying it can be for non-swimmers to have to listen to swimmers never mind having to read about it.

All the best

Stay Fab


Robin Williams Part three (3of 3)

Robin Williams discussing Michael Jackson on Propofol (The Graham Norton Show)

‘Taking propofol for sleep is like taking chemotherapy as you are tired of shaving your head’ has to be one of my favorite comedic similes ever.  To see Jennifer Saunders and Elijah Wood crack up when he makes this statement makes the whole moment even better.

As a former nurse, Propofol was used a lot in theatre as an anesthetic as it has such a short half like. Basically, meaning that you regain your consciousness quite quickly once it has stopped being administered.

I believe that the Doctor ‘Conrad Murray’ that prescribed it for Michael Jackson was struck off the medical register for malpractice and jailed.

Robin Williams lights up when he speaks of his beautiful daughter ‘Zelda’ and the origins of her name.  Maybe ‘Sonic’ would be a good name for a boy? After ‘Sonic the hedgehog’? Graham Norton mentions changing his name to ‘Smirnoff ‘in this clip so that he could possibly make easy money for promoting the brand.

I began to think that maybe the favorite tipple for Conrad Murray before he went to jail was also ‘Smirnoff’ but that it should have been called ‘Strukoff’ once he was jailed. In that he was ‘struck off’ the medical register for malpractice. What do you think?

There will never be anyone that comes close to the genius of this man. He is sadly missed. But thank goodness for his wonderful films, comedy and interview clips like this. I found another Sesame Street clip with Robin Williams which I have to share.


All the best

Stay Fab


Robin Williams Part two (2 of 3)

TikTok Robin Williams Black outs on Jonathan Ross

Robin Williams was so open and honest about his alcohol and drug addictions. Comedy can often be the most powerful method of highlighting the dangers of addictions.  In this clip his genius is so apparent. The devilment and debauchery that he must have had with Peter Cook was no doubt legendary.

I often think that someone may have watched this and been inspired to write the movie ‘The Hangover’.  As a former drinker I can relate to many of his stories. Particularly when he explains the come down.’ What comes up must go down’ is a phrase I still use today.

One of my craziest memories of an all-night drinking session was when I was staying in Sitges in Spain on a corporate training weekend.   I was working for a multinational company and we were very well looked after.  After getting well-oiled we all headed to the beach to go skinny dipping.   I invented ‘invisible handball’ in the sea which entertained us for a little while.

On the way home we could find no taxis as they were all full.  I had the bright idea of lying down in the middle of the road to force a taxi to stop.  Basically, doing a human impersonation of a sleeping policeman.  A taxi did stop.

There was a couple in the back and the taxi man had no intention of stopping for a few nutters who thought that it was a good idea to lie down in the middle of the road.  I still cringe when I think of my foolhardy and carefree alcohol fueled days.  I am still just as foolhardy and carefree now just minus the alcohol.

All the best

Stay Fab


Robin Williams Part One (1 of 3)

Best of Robin Williams

It is hard to believe that-as the clip points out- it is seven years since we lost Robin Williams.  Such an immense and unique talent. There has been and never will be anyone quite like him.

The only other comedian that I believe may have elements of his talent is Jim Carey.  As Robin Williams is such an immense talent, I feel the need to honor him in three blogs over the next few days. And possibly because so many wonderful clips featuring him have popped up for me.

He was superb in Aladdin. And I have such fond memories of when he was ‘Mork from Ork’in Mork and Mindy.

When I was younger, I loved saying ‘Nanu Nanu’ to anyone who was willing to partake in the alien ritual.  If I try it nowadays, I get some weird looks as it is no longer recognizable.

When it was on TV a cousin of mine got a pair of rainbow braces-just like Mork- from her father when he returned from America.  She was the envy of everyone in her school.

I couldn’t sign off without a reference to Sesame Street. This is just so ridiculously cute.   Particularly when Elmo says ‘I only had three lines’.  So many stars have appeared on Sesame Street over the years but this has to be my favorite appearance by far.

Robin Williams and Elmo-Blooper



All the best

Stay Fab


Killing two birds with one stone

Following on from my pheasant story yesterday I became curious enough to research the origins of the phrase ‘killing two birds with one stone’. Considering it is such a well-used idiom I began to think of how cruel a saying it actually is.

It has its origins in Greek Mythology from the story of a father and his son called Daedalus and Icarus. Two birds are killed with one stone by Daedalus to use the feathers to make wings. Both father and son escape from the Labyrinth on Crete using these wings.

Even though the phrase is unpalatable when I really think about it, I am a fan of its intention. Working smart appeals to me. Why do one task when I can do two at the same time.

Case in point is how I cook as I always tend to batch cook.  Last weekend I cooked a (even if I say so myself) magnificent vegetarian lasagna for a few friends.  I am not a vegetarian myself but it was well received. Instead of cooking one batch I cooked two and froze the rest.

Afterwards the craic and the giggles were mighty.  As we sat around chatting afterwards one of the girls asked if we had reached a point where it would be unnecessary for people to come out and announce that they are gay.  In other words, as a society can we just accept people as they are without judgement? I had to go one step further and said imagine if someone said the following

‘I have an announcement to make. I am coming out. I am black’.

We all got the giggles. But according to another friend as a society we are not there yet. As many people still face non acceptance and discrimination. Please God we will get there one day.

All the best

Stay Fab


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