Irish Sayings Part 1 ( Part 1 of 3)

The phrase ‘Golf is a good walk spoiled ‘from yesterday’s blog inspired me to research other famous sayings.  And to my delight I happened upon a very rich tapestry of famous Irish words and quotes that I would like to share with you over the next few days.

For some reason many of them refer to a person that may be deemed frugal. When used in Ireland they are quite scathing. The following refers to frugality.

-He/She would peel an orange in their pocket-one of my favs. Meaning they wouldn’t want to give you a segment of their orange and would therefore conceal peeling it in their pocket.

-He/She wouldn’t give you the steam off their piss. Who would want it? But there you go.

– Tighter than a camel’s hole in a sandstorm- needs no explanation.

And if you are the opposite of frugal and prone to the odd bout of kindness and generosity you may receive this witty remark in thanks

‘As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction’.

            Niall Toibin was a well-known Irish comedian who told great jokes particularly about the Cavan Man. Apparently if you are from County Cavan you may well have a propensity for being mean. Here he is for your enjoyment.

All the best

Stay fab


Robin Williams on Golf


This has to be one of my favorite Parkinson/Robin Williams interviews ever.   His personal take on golfing and the insightful knowledge as to how it may well have been invented is so original and hilarious.

Golf has been and is a popular sport in my family.   However, I have failed to see the allure and have often referred to it as Mr. Twain has when he famously said ‘Golf is a good walk spoiled’.

WPA-Woeful puns alert- The following text may contain cringeworthy puns that the reader may find distasteful.

Perhaps I am spoilt as I have two dogs who get to take me for a walk a few times a day.  We did actually find ourselves on a golf course today.  We were meandering down an unknown path when we happened upon it.  I had decided to meander as I had had enough of sauntering.

To my surprise there was another dog owner on our same path. Here was me thinking that I was being adventurous. Finn spotted the lady dog and became overly amorous.   I began to think that he was literally going for a ‘hole in one’.  I apologized to the owner. Who putt it nicely when he said it was par for the course.

We hit it off and decided to go for a cup of tee as the Howth Castle Food Fayre was in full swing. Green tee was the beverage of choice four us both from the food truck. However, we got caught in the rain and had to shelter beneath a tree which was a fairway away. I shall stand away from the puns now.


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Angel Card Reading Part 3 ( 3 of 3 ) Brigid Inner Strength

My last card was ‘Brigid Inner Strength’. It states that there is a powerful force within me and that I have the ability to create wonderful changes in my own life. And that I can inspire those around me to do the same. I need to be aware of new projects, opportunities and fertile ideas that can grow into something larger than I may imagine.

My spiritual fire will grow within.  I did have indigestion last night.  Does that count?  I jest.

Last month I had actually visited ‘St. Brigid’s Well’ in County Clare and had forgotten to mention it in my blog.  It is the most beautiful shrine to St. Brigid built into a cave beneath a graveyard.  When you enter it, the walls are lined with candles and hundreds of memorial cards and mementos of loved ones that have passed.

Apparently, there are over 300 of these Holy Wells throughout Ireland with about 15 devoted to St. Brigid.  Here is a link to the map of Holy Wells in Ireland that somebody told me about over the weekend.

I have been making changes in my life over the last two years which are finally coming to fruition.  Having finished my book and completing my daily blog I feel that my writing career is off to a very good start.

I love this card as it means that my inner strength is growing within. Yippee. I can do with it after all the relationship healing.  I am wrecked. This soul-searching is heavy duty at times.

All the best

Stay fab


Angel Card Reading White Eagle Part 2 ( 2 of 3 ) Ancestor Spirit

My second card was ‘White eagle Ancestor spirit’. This is a sign to follow my intuition and to heal any relationships that require my attention. I am being reminded to ask for help and support from my ancestors.

I have learnt over the years to follow my instinct. As when I do not my life stinks.  Malcolm Gladwell wrote a wonderful book about instinct called ‘Blink’ and how it is our most primordial of tools.

Existing long before language did. It is when we ‘know something without knowing something’.  I do not always get it right but I rely on it more and more as I get older.

The strange synchronicity around this card was that I had blogged about the native American Indian ‘Sacheen Littlefeather’ two weeks previous.  And how she had spoken on behalf of Marlon Brando at The Oscars when he rejected his Oscar for The Godfather.

I had used the joke phrase ‘Tickle your arse with a feather’ with somebody the previous day also. When you say it very quickly the other person is not sure what you have said and you then go onto say ‘Particularly nice weather’. It gets a giggle. Although I am not sure it is relevant to this blog. I just needed a giggle, I guess.

I had some relationship healing to do and I began the process. A very large slice of humble pie was washed down with a nice cup of tea.  I would have liked a bit more sugar in the humble pie but there you go. There is still a lot of work to do and I accept that.  Receiving this card was very timely indeed.


All the best

Stay fab


Angel Card Reading Part 1 ( 1 of 3 ) Kali-Ma

I had a wonderful angel card reading from a friend the other day.   She shared with me the cards that she had been chosen the night before.   And I then went on to choose the exact same ones which was very coincidental in and of itself.

My first card was the Hindu goddess ‘Kali ma’ who is the goddess for time, creation, destruction and power.  This resonated with me as I had been entering writing competitions with deadlines and getting frustrated with a couple of the story lines.  Which I know is par for the course.

Hence, I was creating with time limits whilst simultaneously editing and deleting some of my work.   Kali-Ma destroys evil forces and has also been known as The Divine Mother or Mother of the Universe. She is worshipped by Hindus throughout India and Nepal.

Lately a few weird things have been happening to me.  At least a bit weirder than normal.   Wonderful weirdness is what sustains me.  As I walked around the corner of my apartment last week with Buzz & Finn a hanging flower basket fell to the ground.  It freaked me out.  Then a few days later I arrived at a friend’s house and as I walked into her hallway the carbon monoxide alarm fell from the ceiling to the ground.

Burning sage is good for banishing any negative energy and the friend that did my Angel cards had also bought me some sage from her holidays. I burnt the sage in my house and outside around my patio. I told my friend about the flower basket and mentioned that if she had any sage, it might be an idea to burn some once, I left.

We laughed as I realized the craziness of burning sage once a guest has left. After all it’s not ideal.


All the best

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Finny Big Bollix

I am sure that many other dogs are like this, however I still feel the need to share with you what Finn has been up to most recently.   Lately he has been running up to bigger dogs and barking at them.

As soon as the big dog barks at him or even just attempts to run after him he literally runs away with his tail between his legs yelping as though he has been assaulted.  It is quite funny to witness as he does approach the dog with so much bravado and then within a few seconds he’s running away.   Hence why I have him called ‘Finny Big Bollix’ in such events.

He was approaching a small dog today on our beach walk that was clearly not interested in him.   I was trying to say ‘Finn just leave him alone ‘. As the famous book says‘ ‘ He’s just not that into you’. But he wasn’t having any of it.  The other dog was clearly not interested but Finn was determined to try and get some fun out of him but to no avail.

Earlier on when I woke early Finn was snoring away beside me.   I tried to capture his snores on video to post onto TikTok but Murphy’s Law kicked in.  As soon as I switched on my video the snores would subside.  My attempts at gaining the ‘Money Snore’ were all thwarted. When I do, I will blog post it.

All the best

Stay fab


Love Island 2021

Please let me preface this blog by asking for your forgiveness in advance whilst I share my views on Love Island 2021.   I just need to indulge myself for a few paragraphs. Excuse me whilst I hop onto my high horse.

I realize that love island is essentially a social experiment and I have also come to understand that for me it is a mighty platform for my ego.  As I get to judge and silently comment on the antics of the Islanders and whether they are being authentic or not.

I have heard the phrase ‘my type on paper’ being re-mastered into ‘my type on toilet paper’ meaning that the show is a pile of shite.   And I can see how people could think this as sometimes when I am watching it, I think the same thing myself. The fact that it is heavily produced and that obviously so many scenes are choreographed to within an inch of their life is obvious.

Recently I have been thinking about my ego and the irony and hypocrisy of me judging the egos of others when I am actually showboating my own by blogging.   My favorite moment throughout the entire series was when Liberty was discussing her favorite starter. She pronounced Hors D’oeuvres as what sounded like ‘A dwarves. She is such a sweet girl and deserves true love. As do we all.

It is obvious that some of the islanders are there as a means to gain celebrity status and a new career when they leave the island.   And I wish them all the very best.  It does highlight behaviors good and bad and how people should be treated perhaps when they are in a couple.  I am off to join Bumble. Wish me luck.


All the best

Stay fab


Little Britain Elton John

Elton really is a great sport for doing this for Comic Relief and of course David Walliams and Matt Lucas are in top form.  It got me thinking as to what question I would have asked Elton if I was in their position?

‘Have you heard of the porno version of one of your songs? – Cockodile Rock. When you need to dial for some intimate services?

Not as good as Matt and David but I’ll keep trying.

Whilst researching Elton’s songs I came across this unbelievable clip.

William Shatner 1978 Spoken word of Rocket Man

Apparently, this was parodied to within an inch of its life.   People are still unsure as to whether or not Mr. Shatner was parodying himself.  I will not even debase myself by going for the obvious jokes relating to his name and how the first syllable is the slang past tense of ‘to defaecate’.  Too obvious.

He did however boldly go to where no man has ever been before (in the world of the spoken word of well-known lyrics) and quite possibly will never go again. Captain Kirk (William Shatner) famously said in Star Trek ‘Without freedom of choice there is no creativity ‘. Perhaps he reflected upon his choice of reciting the lyrics to this song when he received the reviews.  And then again perhaps not.

I watched the movie ‘Rocket Man’ last month and it really is a fabulous depiction of Elton John’s life.  It’s hard to believe how he came through all of his addictions (a dick shun.) Although I think in his heyday, he did admit to finding it hard to shun a dick.

All the best

Stay fab


Skateboard Pram

Quinny Longboard stroller

Yesterday I was driving along minding my own business when I noticed a child standing up on the back of a pram whilst the baby was being wheeled along by its mother.   I began to think of a pram with a skateboard attached and smiled wryly to myself as I considered what a ridiculous concept it was. Of course, once I got home, I had to google it and see if there was such a silly thing.

And hey presto. Here you go. Who knew?   It’s nice that they have considered the safety of the child and given it a helmet but I cannot help but think that it still perhaps is a bit of a safety issue?   The poor child looks like it is almost crying at one point.   And the video has comments turned off?  I would have given anything to have seen what some people that were not fans thought of it.

‘There are even moments when you won’t even think about extortionate house prices as the wind is rushing through your hair’, he says.

Quite possibly there may even be a moment when your child is mid-air and its nappy gets caught in the branch of a tree.

‘It’s about feeling emotions again’.

Maybe a bit like the explosive motions your baby is having into its nappy?  In my view it’s about as safe as a jelly stepladder.   What will they think of next? Chocolate garlic?   Well apparently, they have.

All the best

Stay fab


Marmaris Mayhem Part 4 ( 4 of 4)

We were asking him for directions back to the harbor and he pointed us in the general direction.   Whilst thanking him he then made the universal sign for tea whilst pointing to a small cottage 2 fields away.

Looking at each other for approval we agreed to join him for tea in the spirit of our wonderful adventure.   It was a standalone remote, very spartan cottage. We were introduced to this boy’s mother.  She served us the tea as we sat on a beautiful threadbare Turkish rug.

She tried to tell us (in sign language as embarrassingly none of us had picked up any of the Turkish language at this stage. We were obviously aiming to stick to our theme of ‘Gobshites on tour’) that she had 10 children and that how her youngest, who was sitting with us, had just been conscripted into the Turkish army.

He had some English and was able to explain what she was saying.   Noticing my camera, she asked me if I would take a picture of him.   Which I did.   He asked if I could post the photo to the local post office as she had no photos of him. I was more than happy to oblige.

The next day we set sail. There was no wind and the engine began to make a funny sound.  It got louder and louder. And eventually it exploded.  Somebody noticed that the genny rope was torn and we guessed that it had wrapped itself around the rudder causing the engine to explode as we had been using it so much.

Myself and a friend put on our snorkel masks to get under the boat and assess the damage. There was a small boat in the hole or was there a small hole in the boat? We had been drinking……This is actually what I said when I surfaced and got back into the boat as I was in shock.

We had to be towed back to Marmaris once we radioed in our damage report. What a disaster. But thankfully we all lived to tell the tale.  My next sailing trip will follow sailing lessons.


All the best

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