In a Brad mood with Thelma and Louise 30 years on.

Who doesn’t like a bit of Brad?   Me for one.   If ever I am feeling less than exuberant, I can watch this video and it is guaranteed to cheer me up.   From ‘Fight Club’ to ‘Seven’, to ‘Legends of the Fall to ‘Once upon a time in Hollywood’ my bad mood will instantly be converted to a Brad mood by gazing upon his very fine visage.

It is hard to believe that he started his career so long ago in ‘Thelma and Louise’.  Thirty years ago, to be exact as it was released in 1991.  I don’t think anyone can forget the movie.  Not because Brad was in it but just because it was a magnificent story of female friendship and empowerment with a tragic ending.  As a Ridley Scott film it is up there with the best.   Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen it.

Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis are truly magnificent actresses and both have impressive movie track records to this day.  They were so ahead of their time with regards to the #metoomovement.

Apparently during the love scene with Geena Davis, Brad confessed that his ‘soldier saluted’ as he so eloquently described it in this clip.   Bless.

All Hail Susan, Geena and Brad.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Ricky Gervais and George Michael

I mentioned Ricky Gervais yesterday and then came across this video on YouTube. Two of my favorite people.  Gervais and George.  Although sadly as we all know we lost George Michael on Christmas day in 2016.  I had the pleasure of seeing him perform in Abu Dhabi.  The man had no ego. His first words on stage were to thank all his fans for sticking with him even when he made it tough for everyone.

Gervais has mentioned him in his comedy routine regarding his fearlessness and refreshing attitude towards the media. He never had any issue with announcing his sexuality, or his penchant for public men’s toilets. His attitude was ‘Yes, I’m gay.   Yes, I like performing naughty oral acts on strangers in toilets and Yes, I smoke weed and lots of it too’.

One of my favorite songs ‘Outside’ is a complete parody of his arrest at the public toilets in his nearby park. In’ Fast love’ he wears headphones that have the logo ‘Phony’ as opposed to ‘Sony’. This was to illustrate his distaste of the company that locked him into an unfair contract which resulted in a prolonged court case to release him.

Gosh, you are missed George.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Epic animals


TikTok has given us animals gurning, talking, ordering food from McDonalds, and skateboarding. Is there anything that animals cannot do?

Well actually yes. Pick up their own poop. That’s what. I‘ve seen videos of Labradors on TikTok bringing in the groceries for their owner. Surely cleaning up after themselves is not a million miles away from this?

Perhaps somebody could design a hoover that a dog could use? I would be one happy bunny. I reckon that they are just like Gary Larson cartoons.  When we are not looking they are upright watching TV, smoking cigars and drinking brandy.

I jest. Of course. I don’t know where I would be without Buzz and Finn. They are my free therapy.  Everyone has been talking about the merits of mindfulness for many years now. In my mind you can get no better mindfulness than walking or petting a dog. It just seems to be such a powerful grounding exercise.

Some people say- like ‘Ricky Gervais’ who is a passionate dog lover- that we don’t deserve them. That they are too good for us. I beg to differ.  Others talk about identifying their spirit animal.  Well, mine are twofold.  One is named Buzz and the other is Finn.

I will forever gloriously pick up their poop as long they continue to be the very very good dogs that they are. I will not, however, be supplying brandy and cigars at will.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Darkness into Light

Well. We did it. Myself and a few friends gathered with many others at 05.30 this morning to support ‘Darkness into Light’ at Low Rock in Portmarnock.      My alarm was set for 04.15 to walk Buzz and Finn first.

However, they were not impressed by the gale force winds and the sleet or the fact that I made them wear their rain jackets.  They had all the enthusiasm of constipated tortoises.

I can recall walking them a few months ago in the rain when they had their jackets on.  A rather witty passer by remarked ‘Jaysus they are better dressed than meself’.  At the time I was as embarrassed as I was proud.

When we arrived at Low Rock amidst the hailstones and gale force winds, I began to lose my nerve. Were it not for two other sea warriors who insisted on getting in I would never have done it. It was freezing yet invigorating and the atmosphere was amazing regardless of the weather.

I believe that ‘The Late Late Show’ raised 1.2 million for ‘Pieta House’ from their Friday night show.  In total since March 2020 The Late Late Show has raised over 10 million for different charities which is a phenomenal amount considering the population of our little Island.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Avocado Testicle

I need to reference this photo as I believe that it is evidence of a severe case of my Punitis. I have been fighting it for some time but I believe with this pun I have reached an all-time low.  Pun therapy has obviously failed and I am now at a loss for how to treat my pun affliction.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I recently discovered that Avocados are named after testicles. This appealed to my base nature hence the need for me to share it with you.  The Aztec’s discovered Avocados in 500 BC and named it ‘Ahuacatl’ which translates into ‘testicle’.

They grow in pairs and perhaps this fact their texture, size and shape inspired the name. Although I must add that if you are a man reading this and your testicles are green that you may want to take a trip to the Doctor.

The Spanish arrived and changed the name to ‘Aguacate’ which did not translate into testicle. Netflix have highlighted the perils of the Avocado industry in South America where it is known as ‘Green Gold’ due to the global demand. Unfortunately, gangs and crime abound where the avocado farms are most plentiful.

The obsession around avocados has resulted in a pop-up Avocado Museum in San Marcos.  And apparently it is a fruit.  Who knew? I am off to make some guacamole.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Song ‘Just Hit It’.

Song ‘Just Hit It’.

This came to me today and I would like to share it with you.

I am looking forward to ‘Darkness into Light in a few days and felt that it was fitting. Some of us are planning a morning swim and hopefully the weather will be nice. Lately I have been dancing between the darkness and the light at times trying to understand both.

I adore dancing and believe that I could challenge Beyoncé with her moves.      When in reality some might say that I shimmy more than dance.   I am not averse to a few Carlton moves from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  They should never be underestimated.




Just hit it

Whether I can or cannot

Either way I am right

I can seek the dark

Or bathe in my light


No procrastination

No insubordination

Just hit it

No procrastination

No insubordination

Just hit it



I doubt my power

When I am weak and in despair

I forget my truth

And I worship fear



No procrastination

No insubordination

Just hit it

No procrastination

No insubordination

Just hit it


I am good, I am kind

I am here in all my might

I am thankful. Forever thankful.

As I dance within my light

By Adele Leahy

100 Cocks

I bought these to make simple bracelets for my sister’s hen party.  The purchase could only be made in bulk at the time hence 100 cocks. The photo is merely a sample size.

They arrived too late, which was a shame as I would have liked to have made them. However, it was still an amazing Hen Party.  We went to Marbella, ate, drank and were very merry indeed.

Whenever I tell this story I begin with the fact that I purchased 100 cocks. I am frequently shocked at the reactions that I receive. People automatically assume the worst and I very quickly have to put them straight.

The fact that butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth makes it all the more alarming.  Apparently, it is deemed a ‘Double Entendre’ or something. My innocence knows no bounds as I have never even heard of the term.

Ok. I lie. I have the mind of a sewer and thoroughly enjoy the shock factor of telling this story.  So, shoot me.  I can’t help it if I have a filthy mind and enjoy a giggle, chuckle and on occasion a little chortle.   So here I am left with 100 cocks and not knowing what I should do with them.    If you have any urgent need for these please message me and I would be happy to oblige by posting them on.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Star Wars May The 4th be with you

George Lucas has a lot to answer for.  Little did he realize that in 1977 his movie would become a 70-billion-dollar industry.  Nine films later it’s hard to believe that it began with a trilogy, then a prequel trilogy and finally a sequel trilogy. Lucas eventually sold his production company to Disney in 2012. It is currently the fifth highest grossing media franchise of all time.

Imagine my surprise and glee when I went to search for a funny Star Wars image and I found the cookie monster.  He seems to follow me everywhere and has appeared now in at least 4 of my blogs. Besides the fact that I am a bit obsessed with him I cannot believe that he is in this picture.

With the internet asking us every day if we accept cookies, I really see a missed opportunity here. Why isn’t the cookie monster asking us?  It would make my internet searching much more pleasurable.

So, this is an official plea to Sesame Street to ask the Cookie Monster if he can represent the ‘Do you accept cookies’ pop up around the world?  I know that he is very busy and that there are cookies to be eaten but this would be a very valuable global service that he could offer.

Let me know if you support my campaign. I will see if I can hashtag it.

Cookies away.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Suicidal shrew

Last week I was looking forward to catching up with an old friend on What’s App. She texted me to apologize that she would be late calling me as she had to deal with a suicidal shrew.  My immediate thoughts were that I hoped that her mother-in-Law would be OK. But apparently, I completely misunderstood her message.

It transpires that she did have to deal with a suicidal shrew but that it was not of the human but the mammalian variety.  She had heard the shrew the previous day in the loft and both her husband and herself had tried to unsuccessfully catch it.

On the day of our call, it had flung itself unceremoniously onto their concrete patio and died a tragic death. Not such a shrewd move (sorry, not sorry,). They had to remove it and bury it in the nearby field.

I must add at this point that I had to research shrews as I knew nothing about them. My friend lives in France. You can see from the picture that they are very small and very cute miniature long nosed mouse like animals.

I was intrigued as to why the little thing would perform such a jump.   Maybe he wanted to learn how to fly?  Anyhoo upon further research it transpires that they are fierce little randy things indeed.

They mate non-stop for 2-3 weeks, going at it for 14 hours at a time until its body is ravaged and their insides liquefy. This results in what appears to be suicide.  It only lives to one year of age. What a way to go.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Drunken Postman

My apologies in advance for the drunken Irish stereotype portrayed in this video.  But, like the story, it did make me giggle.

I was told a story the other day by a friend which caused me to chuckle rather loudly.  There may also have been a guffaw preceded by a snicker. The story concerned a drunken postman.

My friend had married a man many moons ago that she had met on an island whilst on holiday. During her time there the postman became renowned for his love of the drink.

Being called ‘Pat the Pint’ didn’t help either.  She mentioned that by and large he managed to keep his passion for pints under control. But that every now and again she would notice some letters strewn along the roadside as she would be driving to the local farmer’s market.

She knew then that there was really no point in going to the farmers market as they would all be at home sleeping off what was possibly a ‘lock in’ the night before.

This is a phenomenon in the UK and Ireland where the pub owner will close the doors and allow everyone that it already inside to drink to their hearts content until they can no longer walk or talk. Which does pose its own risk as getting people home would always be fraught with difficulty.

Excuse me please whilst I calm Buzz and Finn down from becoming feral as the postman has arrived.


That’s all for now

Stay fab
