Having completed a full year blogging here are my favorite blogs from the last quarter.
- Morning furry cuddles, kisses and belly rubs. The best doggy daily alarm ever. http://adeleleahy.ie/doggy-daily-alarm/
- Besides Adele I think that Jennifer Lawrence has to be the funniest celebrity on the planet. She does not take herself or anyone else too seriously which is always so refreshing.
- Rockstars after they were famous was possibly one of my favorite blogs ever. Imagining joke jobs for current bands was never going to be a chore. Music, singers, songs and wordplay really float my boat. I unashamedly admit to being a bit of a nerd.
- Jimmy Carr and Johnny Vegas are a match made in heaven. Two comedy Gods extracting the urine from one another. What’s not to like?
- Without a doubt the best acceptance speech award has to go to Spike Milligan for this. I also love the fact that on his gravestone he has written’ I told you I wasn’t well’.
- I embrace my crazy side. As I have gotten older hiding it has become too exhausting.
- Me and my ingenious ideas. And somebody beat me to it.
- Elton John is another refreshing celebrity that does not take himself too seriously which is evident from this clip.
- Finn has notions far greater than his little size.
Which just makes him cuter in my eyes.( I’m a poet and I don’t know it).
- Irish sayings- we have so many. Yet seem to use so few. Here are some of the best.
All the best
Stay Fab