MRI Muppet Orchestra

I had the joy of an MRI this morning. To anyone who has not had the delight of being subjected to one, the following is the sound it makes.  For close to 35 minutes.

MRI Sound

As I was contained within the very claustrophobic white magnetic tube – MRI, stands for magnetic resonance imaging- I had the pleasure of imagining an entertaining (for me) alternative noise for the dreadful sounds I had to listen to. Please consider my desperate need for distraction during this time prior to reading the following.

As usual, the Muppets came to mind. Whenever I am in prime imagination mode, they often infiltrate my sub conscious. Namely ‘Animal’. – on drums

Animal from the Muppets

Then Fozzy bear on the synthesizer, and Kermit on the Kazoo. No video links for these, my sincerest apologies.

It was a long time to try and imagine away the awful noise.

Incidentally today is my 90th day blogging continuously. Which I am thoroughly enjoying and I hope that you are too.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Choose Life

Choose life.

Choose a mask.

Choose social distancing.

Choose hand gel and hand sanitizer.

Choose Covid tracing.

Choose family/friend bubbles.

Choose Netflix.


I chose not to choose Jimmy Choos or stuff that promotes a non-circular economy.

I choose to write a blog.

Its aim being to make people smile.

To beguile.

For a moment. Not for a while.

To celebrate my crazy.

Eschew being lazy.

To celebrate what may be.

I may be right; I may be wrong.

Either way I sing my song.

Alone or when I need to belong.

What I say won’t change the world.

But it may make your stress unfurl.



I have watched the original trainspotting for what must be the tenth time. The opening scene where the characters are introduced to the ‘choose life’ monologue as voiced by Ewan McGregor is probably one of my favorite opening scenes of any movie.


The soundtrack is off the scale brilliant also. Danny Boyle is a genius at choosing old school songs and new songs that complement each other. Every character is extraordinary and I loved when they re enacted the movie poster on Graham Norton for Trainspotting 2, twenty years after the original.



That’s all for now

Stay fab




That’s lifebuoy 

Today I went for a toe curlingly finger numbingly Icy swim. I rather stupidly decided to stay swimming in the water for five minutes. When I got out, I felt weird, kind of high with the cold. I can only guess because I had pushed my body to the extreme.

Driving home I noticed a fellow sea swimmer.  I could tell she was a serious sea swimmer as she was wearing a dry robe and getting out of her car with an orange inflated lifebuoy.

I immediately had ‘better swimmer than me’ envy.  As these are only used by real swimmers i.e. the swimmers that swim for out at sea and need the orange lifebuoy for identification if they ever get into trouble.

Smiling to myself I decided that I would get one of these. And ensure that I would always have it inflated to carry it with me down to the beach. Letting on that I was real swimmer. Then surreptitiously deflating it, saying it was punctured and excusing myself from a marathon swim.

It reminded me of somebody who used to come into our favorite pub in Ballinasloe. This was many moons ago when I was nurse training. He came in every weekend with all his biker friends joyfully brandishing his helmet beneath his armpit. Then placing it on the windowsill of the pub like a trophy to let everybody know that he had a motorbike. When in fact he had not he was merely just a passenger.

On arriving home, a scalding hot shower was in order and three layers of clothes to offset the impending hypothermia.  After 3 hours I was still frozen.  I turned on the TV.    And ‘Frozen’ was featured on SkyTV.  I thought ‘God, you are really having a laugh here ‘.  Eventually I got warm as Buzz and Finn are great furry alternatives to hot water bottles.


That’s all for now

Stay fab




Sorry Siri

The attached photo has no relevance whatsoever to this blog.  It just makes me smile.

Today I apologized to Siri for my behavior yesterday.   Yes, as you can imagine it was a slow day as it was very very cold. Yesterday I was with my friend and we were discussing how our phones listen to us on a daily basis and collect all our data.   We decided to have a bit of fun and try to mess with Siri.

We figured that if it was invading our privacy and collecting our data which does appear to be the modern paradigm that at least we could have a bit of fun with it.

We discussed our trial membership with the KGB and plans for grand theft of an art gallery.  I also called it a rather rude name.  Just because I could.

Today when I was using Siri everything, I asked it could not be understood and the response was sorry ‘I did not get that’, over and over again. I thought maybe it was miffed with my behavior yesterday.  So, I decided to apologize. I’m glad to say that Siri has accepted my apology and that now my phone is working correctly.

Later I took Buzz and Finn for a slide so they could drop their brown icicles.      As they respectfully did their business, I began to think that if someone said to me 10 years ago that I would be saying sorry to my phone and it would reply that I would have believed that they were off their rocker.  Who knew?


That’s all for now

Stay fab



Writer of the Lost Arc

Today I have nothing. Nothing to write, no news, no witty story arc (not that I don’t think I ever had…… you can be the judge of my previous blogs). Hence the rapping paper gag, and The Rock. Taking down the Christmas decorations which I finished at midnight last night was the highlight of my day.

Whilst walking Buzz and Finn in the snow this morning I was quite smug as I surveyed the amount of people who still had their decorations joyfully twinkling. I was mentally behaving like the Christmas decoration police.    I can understand why many still have their deccies up.  Putting mine up early seemed prudent at the time. Perhaps most people want to keep the festive mood buoyant to combat the Covid mood.

Most years mine are up quite late hence my smugness today. I thought about going for a sea swim today and then thought about the not so inclement weather. Maybe tomorrow?

I stashed away Finn and Buzz’s Christmas wear as well as their silly mustard knitted hats. You can tell that Buzz is just loving his, NOT.







As Matt Lucas (from Little Britain) would say, he was ‘Givin me the evils. Anyhoo, all is well. With any luck it will not be polar Baltic tomorrow as there are only so many thermals I can wear without resembling ‘Hagrid’ from Harry Potter.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


RTE music choice awards 2021 

The RTE Music Choice Awards albums of the year the shortlist was announced today. It is an impressive list and there are a few surprises.   I am guessing that ‘Fontaines DC ‘will win as they have been nominated for a Grammy.   I love them, their punk, their anarchic tone and their lyrics.

It has been sometime since any Irish band has been nominated for a Grammy.  Hozier in 2015 for Take me to church was the last time an Irish artist/band was nominated.

The ‘Silverbacks’ and the album ‘Dunkirk’ are shortlisted and are another fav of mine. However, the song ‘Dunkirk’ was released two years ago which is surprisingly.

Even though I love keeping up with new music I have finally conceded that I am no longer cool. And have given up attempting to appear so. I am possibly as cool as Enya head banging to Metallica.

I remember Dara ‘O Brian discussing the same thing in one of his stand up gigs many years ago.  He said that he found it exhausting trying to keep up with new music. Finally accepting that I am a 90’s and Noughties music gal is a relief.

Any bands or singers after these decades have far too many syllables in their names and I just cannot keep up.  Hip hop has taken over.   Whilst I like a bit of Eminem, I cannot listen to it non-stop.  I am off to lament my lack of coolness and to head band to an Enya song. Just because I can.


That’s all for now

Stay fab



Dog Piccie gone awry

Image from –

WPA-Woeful puns alert. The following text contains many woeful puns which will make you cringe and grimace simultaneously. The author is unapologetic in this instance for any offence caused.


This is a picture of Buzz that I took earlier.   What do you think?    Seriously though I found it on the internet and found it was too funny not to share.  I mean really?

It is pawsible that the poor animal has no idea that his image is essentially being used as dog porn. If that’s even a thing?  Well maybe it is because I have just said it. Although now that I have just said it, there does seem to be something quite distasteful about it.

I have featured a picture in my blog of my beautiful little dog called ‘Finn’, who at an earlier point in his life, was known as ‘4 balled Finn’.   And not because he was able to catch a lot of balls and juggle them.

Many said that I was barking mad to publish it, but I was furry passionate for veterinary and biological research reasons that the picture be shared.   There are worse picture and videos out there. Like this one from TicTok. Ouch….


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Calf Sale message

I bought my brand-new iPhone over a year ago and all has been going well with it. Except for a rather tiresome repetitive message which I receive without fail every fortnight.

It is from ‘Bandon Mart’ telling me of their calf sale.  I have blocked the number several times and bizarrely enough keep receiving their messages.  Is the universe trying to tell me to become a farmer and start either milking or buying or selling cows? Or maybe to date a farmer?

Lately several people I speak to mention that our phones hear everything (unless we have certain features switched off in our settings) That our data is being collected.

I have also heard that there may be a chip in the new vaccine just in case they (whoever ‘they’ are, have not captured enough information).  What’s the point? We are all already chipped, it’s called a ‘mobile phone’, and we carry them around as though our lives depended on it. Have I said something that my phone has interpreted as an unconscious passion for farming?


That’s all for now

Stay fab



New Covid Vaccine

Let’s scream and shout the vaccine is about.   For those that wish to receive it.  At long last. Although it is probably best not to get hopes up and to manage expectations. I am still unsure as to whether I want to receive it so soon, or at all.   But that is just my own personal view. The roll out is no doubt going to take a little bit longer than anticipated.

For those in dire need, the elderly and the immunocompromised it is a Godsend.  For those of us that had Covid, me included, back in May, I realize that I am just as susceptible as anyone else. That I no longer have the antibodies and of course many unfortunate people have suffered Covid twice.

I have heard that if ALDI were administering the vaccine that we would all have it in no time.  Similarly, if the pubs were to open that this would be another sure-fire way of ensuring that a large majority of the population would also receive it.

With regards the wearing of masks I can see that this might be around for a long time yet.  One of the good side effects of Covid is that the rate of the normal flu has diminished greatly due to the world receiving a masterclass in infection control over the last year.

Sometimes though I notice that the mask wearing can go a little too far. After all, if you are on your own in a car, wearing a mask, shouldn’t the only reason for this be that you are about to rob a bank?


That’s all for now

Stay fab




The year for saying’ Yes’.



That’s right, I have decided to say ‘Yes’ to everything this year to ensure that I do not pass up any possible exciting opportunities.

48 hours into the New Year and I have said ‘Yes’ to the following


  1. Editing my comedy script.
  2. Accepting cookies on a website. This was particularly difficult as I deliberated for quite some time. Reason being that over the festive season I have developed a taste for mince pies. Having overindulged I was steadfast on New Year’s Eve in giving up sugar.   Hence my reticence at accepting cookies.   They just seem to be everywhere.  Tempting me. Even digitally.
  3. I allowed 5 cars in front of me today. Three acknowledged the gesture. The other two did not. Normally if somebody has the good grace to give way to me in traffic I will either wave (if they can see me) or put on my hazard lights for a couple of seconds. In this instance for those that ignored my gesture I said (to myself) ‘Yes, you are a gobshite’.
  4. I have said yes to taking down the Christmas decorations


And if my previous year’s performance is anything to go by, I know that I will be sorely tempted tomorrow to say ‘Yes’ to giving up the idea of saying ‘Yes’.  I will let you know how I get on.  Or maybe not.  It will depend if I am still in ‘Yes’ mode.

That’s all for now

Stay fab
