Achill Island Keem Beach

The weather on Achill Island whilst we were there was woeful.   This photo of the house with the sky falling on top of it is actually a completely unedited photo.    It looks like my thumb is over the lens but this is how low the sky actually was on this day.   It was both beautiful and fascinating to witness.

The song ‘Skyfall’ by Adele from the Bond movie of the same name was in my mind the whole time. I began to secretly hope that I might witness a Daniel Craig lookalike emerging from the sea but alas this was never to happen.

Here are some other celebs recreating their own Daniel Craig moment for your perusal.

Keem beach has been voted number 11 in a list of the 50 best beaches in the world in 2019 by the website Big 7 travel. Conde Naste has ranked it at number 3 of the best beaches in the world.  

Achill tourism stated that the drive was not for the ‘faint hearted’.  No shit Sherlock. I have completed 3 static line parachute jumps and I can safely say that this drive was as scary as the last parachute jump. I should have worn brown underwear. I seem to have an irrational fear of heights. Where sometimes I am ok and other times, I am almost paralyzed by fear.   

Thank God the sky was falling down over the mountain as I drove as I was unable to see the sheer drop.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Achill Island from GMT to AST (Achill Sheep Time )

WPA-Woeful Pun alert. The following content contains sheep puns which the reader may find distressing.

The boot was packed with mostly swimming gear and our excitement was palpable. We drove on our merry way across the beautiful Isle of Ireland to the magnificent Achill Island off the coast of County Mayo.

It is a 4-hour drive, 300 kms to be exact with only 75kms of motorway which came as a surprise to me. As I like driving but I also like the motorway.   Long winding country roads are ok for 20kms or so but 225kms of country roads was not ideal. However, it was worth it. Overall, the drive was not to baaad.

When we arrived, we were greeted on 3 occasions by sheep either crossing the road or gazing at us from the middle of the road as if to say ‘What are you doing on my Island and on my road?’.

I very quickly realized that we needed to adjust our watches from GMT to AST (Achill Sheep Time) which delighted me.  There were baa-ewe-tiful ( beautiful) sheep everywhere.

On one of the days, they raised the baa-r (bar) by simply sitting down in the middle of the road.  I was baa-fled (baffled) but baa-sically (basically) decided to enjoy the mindful moment that I was being given.   We were on our way to buy groceries for a Baarbeque which later was cancelled due to rain.

Later that night I didn’t need to count sheep to go to sleep.    All I had to do was imagine all the lovely ones I had encountered throughout the day.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Dog Reiki Part 2

Buzz had hurt his leg 8 months previous and I had to carry him home.  I am still not sure what happened but he was limping very badly.  He is only 8kgs and was still quite heavy to carry all the way home.

Once we were home, I decided to perform Reiki on his leg as I had heard that it can be just as effective in animals as in humans.  I went into YouTube and brushed up on my Animal Reiki skills. And hey presto it worked.

I was thrilled as a visit to the vet was not something I wanted. Although I am very lucky to have the most amazing vets nearby – ‘O Scanaill Vets’.

‘Ace’ was this lovely dog’s name. We both knew that carrying home was not an option.  I asked her if I could perform some Reiki on him and the owner agreed.  I embraced the dog and kept rubbing his leg and whispering  healing affirmations in his ear  He got so excited and almost head butted me three times as his head was almost the size of mine.

And guess what? It worked. He was able to walk home.   The lady and myself exchanged numbers as I wanted to keep checking up on him over the next few days. And I am glad to say that he is perfect. Ace is Ace. I have also made a new friend as she was very kind and understanding about the whole event.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Dog Reiki Part 1

Reiki Healing for Dogs

I was walking Buzz & Finn the other day when we got into some bother in my local park. Finn was up to his normal antics running around as though his little ass was on fire.

He particularly enjoys playing with other dogs on leads by running around and teasing them.  I noticed this lady about 100 yards away from me in the middle of another field with a big black dog.   Finn performed his usual stunt and I didn’t pay much attention thereafter.

A few minutes elapsed when I looked over to the lady and she was bent over her dog for a prolonged length of time.    I went over to see if she and the dog were ok.

She was very pleasant but told me that her dog had pulled his leg from trying to play with Finn. He was limping badly and could not walk.    He must have been about 35kgs and was also blind in one eye.  I put Buzz & Finn back on the lead.

I apologized profusely to the lady and said that I would not leave until I knew that he was ok and could walk home.  Although the two of us were at a loss at the time to provide a solution as to how they could get home.

My phone was with me and I asked the lady if there was anyone that I could call that might be able to help us?  At this stage I thought that maybe I could go home and drive my car into the park and up onto the grass.    Although as he was such a big dog it would still have been difficult to get him into my car. Part 2 tomorrow.

I’m off to cut my grass and then give it a good Reiki….

Stay fab



Gorilla’s windy bottom

I have to admit that following watching a sloth take a gleeful boat ride in the Amazon has been almost tipped by watching these gorillas singing and farting. The fact that it is pure base humor is not lost on me.   After all I am a self-confessed addict of anything lewd, ribald or base in nature. With that in mind I must warn you that the following may be deemed too rude and possibly offensive.  Read on at your peril.

Buzz & Finn fart but there’s are of the SBD variety- silent but deadly.  From experiencing their farts, I have drawn the conclusion that they do not derive much satisfaction from farting.

Unlike the gorilla in this video. They appear to enjoy the gaseous emissions from their collective bottoms. I know that we share 96% of our DNA with gorillas which may explain why both species consider farting a blissful experience.

Maybe the movie ‘Godzilla’ needs to have scene in it where Godzilla farts and completely gases everyone on earth?  It would be both funny and terrifying at the same time.  I know that I would enjoy watching it.

The movie would have the tyrannical monster element as well as the biochemical warfare element.  Perhaps they could also add Godzilla following through and creating a giant Godzilla made brown mountain? Or perhaps I need to stop writing now as I may have taken this notion a little bit too far….

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Sloth takes a boat ride

What is better than a sloth taking a boat ride? Nothing. Really. In my opinion.

There I was surfing YouTube (as I do on occasion) when along came this video.  I cannot recall if I was feeling particularly despondent at the time but my mood immediately perked up.    Everyone nowadays pontificates re the virtues of mindfulness. At that moment in time, I did not realize that the one thing that would offer me bliss would be watching a sloth on a boat ride running his hand through the river.

I adore sloths. Ever since I watched ‘Ice Age’ I fell in love with them.    ‘Sid the Sloth’ is my kinda guy.  Well intentioned, kind, funny with a smidgen of eccentricity thrown in for good luck.

The fact that the sloth is doing something that a human would do is alarming. But then again lately I seem to be happening upon more and more examples of animals eliciting behavior that was previously only seen in humans.

All I need now to make my life complete is to see a sloth on the back of a humpback whale with a scuba tank so that he can stay on his back whilst the whale dives beneath the sea. Maybe they can add that into the next Ice Age movie?  I ‘ll email them my suggestion and let you know how I get on.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Bossy Dogs  My predilection for all things dog related is probably obvious from my many blogs referencing them in all their friendliness and cuteness.

I am guessing I post a doggie story at least once a week.    Their intelligence continues to astound me.    I love the bossy dog in this video placing his paw on top of the small dog’s head to get him to sit so that they can both get treats.   They may even outsmart us ? Who Knows ?

Just like the Gary Larson cartoons perhaps their  loyalty, friendliness and cuteness is merely a foil to conceal the fact that they are even more intelligent than humans?   Planning to overturn the world ?   I can think of worse things than Canine Overlords telling us to play ‘Fetch’ and calling us ‘Good Boy’ or ‘Good Girl’ when they eventually take over the planet.

Maybe they are in cahoots with the chickens?    The chickens would definitely enjoy cutting off our arms and legs, coating them in a spicy breadcrumb mixture to deep fry them for their snack time whilst watching their favorite movie ‘Chicken Run’.  I wonder what happens amongst chickens when one of their own display’s cowardice ?  They can hardly call them chicken ?

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Driving Miss Daisy

‘I was trying to watch ‘Driving Miss Daisy ‘and ‘Bangkok Chick boys’ came on instead’.  This clip gives me the serious giggles.

The first time I saw this episode with Sally Phillips I was in shock.  Once I stopped laughing.  It was her acting.  She didn’t seem like she was acting at all. I was in awe of her skill.    Alan Partridge , or ‘Steve Coogan’ as we know him is always hilarious  but Sally Philips was such a lovely surprise.    I would love to know how many takes they had to do to capture this scene.    Even now when I watch it I still cannot believe that she is acting.

I watched ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ the other week.    It is such a beautiful movie.  It seemed to inform my weekend in a weird way.    Whenever I was out driving everyone was driving at approx 30mph.   Primarily for the reason that they were behind cyclists and could not overtake them.  I found myself saying ‘ Why I might as well be walking’.     But instead of getting angry I decided to enjoy the coastal view.    No resentments for me towards cyclists.    No Siree.     I just hope that those who held up a mile of traffic are still extremely sore from their cycling lyra onesie  chaffing in the heat.    No Siree.    No resentments for me.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


Dog Massages

The attention that this cat gives to the dog whilst he is massaging is unbelievable.  I almost feel that the cat has mystic powers.  Maybe it is called Mystic Pussy?   I was called that once. In my heyday.     However these days I am a lot less mystic and a tad more simplistic.

The technique that the cat employs is exemplary.  The dog is completely under it’s spell.  I wonder how and when the cat realized that the dog would love a head massage? Perhaps it had studied the owners rubbing the dog behind it’s ears and thought to itself ‘ I can do that’. And thus ensure that he has the dog completely under it’s control.  I always knew that cats are clever but this appears to take it to a whole new level.

The cat appears to be whispering in the dog’s ear.    Perhaps it is saying

‘ Listen to me.  You shall obey every command I give you following this massage.    You will open the fridge .  I have tied a scarf to the door.    You shall remove the smoked salmon on the 3rd shelf.    You will then give it to me .     You will NOT under any circumstances eat it yourself.     Or I will scratch your balls with my claws.     You know what it feels like.    I have done it before. Do you understand ?’

Poor doggie he hasn’t a hope of ever re  asserting his will.


That’s all for now

Stay fab


Yoyo Diets the string gets caught in my teeth Part 2

Sarah Millican is a comedy Goddess.  I love her unashamed crassness and wit. Continuing on from yesterday are a few more of my dietary tales of woe.

  1. The Blood Group Diet- This was another fail.   In my wisdom I decided that the Keto Diet ( formerly Atkins ) and Blood Group diet were related.   There was no other explanation for how a member of my family and myself could stick to the Atkins Diet perfectly and she would lose 7lbs and I would lose a pound and a half.  I theorised that if your Blood Group was O that it meant you would have a predisposition to lose more weight on the Atkins Diet. At least that was my excuse and I stuck to it.  It did actually make my blood boil but I don’t think that it was meant to do that.
  2. The Lemonade Diet-Master Cleanse. Beyonce has famously extolled the virtues of this diet. She even named her album after it.    This requires you to drink gallons of freshly homemade lemonade with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I lost weight- 5 lbs- but could not maintain the loss as unfortunately I like food.

Other diet tricks are pouring washing up liquid over the chocolate or cake that you have bought to render it inedible.     It is a novel idea and one that I have used once. Although I didn’t use washing up liquid.     I used melted chocolate.  Which may not have been such a good idea.  But it was scrumdiddlyumptious.

Dieting is a multi-billion-dollar industry.      It preys on the weak and the desperate.      Most Doctors will attest to the fact that most of the diets do not work.    As a diet needs to be sustainable for life.   I just wish that the really cute rolls of fat that I had as a baby were as cute now that I am older.     But apparently not.

That’s all for now

Stay fab


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