Foil Arms and Hog Top 10 sketches 2009-2019

Foil Arms and Hog have to be my favorite Irish comedy trio.  Ok I know they are the only Irish comedy trio but they are also my favorite Irish comedians (besides Tommy Tiernan and Dylan Moran and The Dirt Birds). Watching them live has got to be one of the best nights out.

A lesser well known comedy haunt of mine is The Comedy Cellar above The International Bar in Dublin.   It is a tiny venue with a tiny very steep stairs leading up to a small darkened room with a bar that is so small barely one man can fit behind it. The size is what makes the comedy gigs so intimate. The stairs remind me of what it must be like in Harry Potter’s Hogwarts.

On one occasion I was gingerly making my way up the stairs and there was an orderly queue of people following me.   My foot slipped and I practically sat on the fella’s head behind me. I almost gave the guy a head suppository.

When I made my bashful apologies to the guy he said ‘ I thought that I was twatted already but that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase’.    We both laughed as I scurried up the stairs trying to conceal my mortification.


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Saoirse Ronan on Stephen Colbert

Fair play to Saoirse for trying to teach Stephen Colbert the Irish lingo.  She is one top woman.

I will try and break down some of the meanings for those that may consider visiting our fair Isle and wish to master the parlance. I am going to the jacks (toilet) after a bit of craic (fun) in Coppers.

(Copper Face Jacks-a very famous nightclub in Dublin where you can go for the shift- kissing a random stranger. Or a ride- fornicating with a random stranger) as me dancing was arseways (woeful).

At the end of a great night in Coppers, the evening would be described as ‘deadly’- fantastic.

The next morning whilst suffering from a truly woeful hangover when someone would ask you how you are you should reply’ Besides having a head that feels like a boiled cabbage I am grand’.

‘I am grand’ is the stock answer for everything in Ireland. Deviate from this at your peril. People don’t really want to know how you are as long as you are grand.

Foil Arms and Hog made the following video 5 years ago and it has received over one and a half million views,

The above clip really appeals to our Dublin diaspora around the world.

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Dick Van Dyke

What a man?  94 years young and he can probably exercise better than many half his age.

Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang are two of my favorite childhood movies. He appears to have lost none of the joie de vivre that he embodied in his roles.   Not only that but he has been handing out cash to homeless people.

I was wondering if parents consider the ramifications of naming their child ‘Richard’, aka’ Dick’.  In the 70’s there was a famous Irish man called ‘Dickie Rock’. How unfortunate is that?

Or perhaps his parents were actually being super clever and guessed that with a name like this he would become famous?   And that obviously everybody would remember his name?

His music was not to my taste but I do recall giggling as a child whenever his name was mentioned.  This was most likely around the time that myself and my friends were looking up rude words in the dictionary.

Nowadays it has been replaced by calling SIRI rude names and asking for the definition of words relating to male and female genitalia?  Or is that just me? Probably……


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Father Ted Near Far

I was swimming in the sea a few days ago and was watching a boat out at sea. I had a ‘Near, far’ Father Ted moment as I was unable to figure out how big the boat was.   It was far away and yet it seemed big.  Which was why I was perplexed.  This video then popped up on YouTube to remind me.

I have mentioned Grover from Sesame Street in my blog before and as a true fan I felt the need to mention him again.  As I do not have children, I am unfamiliar with the programmes that they watch now.  When my nieces and nephew were younger ‘Barney’ and the ‘Teletubbies’ were all the rage.

I still feel that my generation were spoilt with Sesame Street, The Muppets, Wombles of Wimbledon, Bosco and Bagpuss.  Apparently, the names of some of these shows have different meanings nowadays.  If you are called a Muppet nowadays it is invariably because you are not very bright.

RCJA (Rude Crap Joke Alert-) What do you call a Teletubby with his finger up his bottom?

-Stink pinkie.


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Mario Rosenstock Impersonating Michael Flatley

‘Not 2 potatoes to rub together’.

This video gets me every time.  Mario taking the piss out of the Irish on The Late Late Show. His Michael Flatly impersonation never gets old.  Whenever I see a presenter failing to keep their composure due to an attack of the giggles it makes me chuckle.

I love saying to people on occasion ‘To be sure, to be sure’ when I am asked a question. Purely because some people around the world actually believe we speak like Milo ‘O Shea from ‘The Quiet Man’.   A movie that was made in 1952. Even back then nobody spoke like that. They must have hammed it up to appeal to our brethren across the pond. The Pub scene

We don’t say ‘Soft day, Thank God’ either. And if we, do it’s with more than a hint of irony.  The fact that this clip has been viewed almost 2 million times fascinates me.   Perhaps it is being studied by film students?

Anyhoo John Wayne must have been thrilled not to have to do an Irish accent.  Apparently, it’s not the easiest accent in the world to master.   Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in ‘Far and Away’ are famous for their woeful Irish accents.

Within the acting fraternity it may well be the kryptonite of accents for most actors.


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The Dirt Birds Lockdown Skin

‘Even though you have lockdown face and you feel like a bag of shite’.

‘I am a blogger, a vlogger and a bogger…’

A bogger. That’s me. Primarily because my sense of humor is consistently in the toilet (or in Ireland we call it The Bog)

In a recent blog I mentioned some of my favorite female comedians and forgot to include these two extremely talented ladies, ’Sinead Culbert’ and ‘Sue Collins’.

Much like everyone else my beauty regime throughout Covid was non-existent.    When I eventually decided to wear make up for a zoom call, I forgot how to apply mascara.

When the make-up artists illustrate the ‘smoky eyes’ to make the ‘eyes pop’ I took this advice literally.  Sticking the mascara brush into my eye. Not once but twice caused my eyes to nearly pop out of my head.

After a few hours when my vision was restored, I was feeling adventurous. I decided to give the eyeliner a go. Aiming for the ‘cats eyes’ look. But instead ended up looking more like the joker.

Giving up the ghost with the make-up I then thought that fake tan might cheer me up. Having never used it before I made the rookie mistake of not using a tan mitt. Big mistake. Huge mistake (As Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman). I had ‘Tan Hands’. The ones that look like I have been down on the farm for 12 months without washing my hands.

I am off to wash my hands and face.

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Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman

Melissa McCarthy Jason Bateman My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. From the movie ‘Identity Thief’.

Melissa McCarthy has to be one of the funniest women on the planet. Ok, we also have the magnificent Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph from SNL and Sarah Millican, another fav of mine.

Jason Bateman is the perfect foil for Melissa’s character.  His ability to stay straight faced is a true gift.  I had to see if there was a blooper for this scene but sadly there were none. They must have peed themselves laughing whilst they were doing it.

I am not averse to singing in the car.  It’s a bit like dancing when no one is watching. I can almost imagine that I am Beyonce with my moves.  When singing I can hit the high notes like no one else but unfortunately Buzz and Finn are not fans. Once I start singing, they scrape the passenger door to get some air and reduce the volume.

On occasion when I am driving and need to vent some frustration, I have been known to belt out the likes of ‘Black Betty’ or Imagine Dragons ‘Believer’. I draw the line however at headshaking whilst driving.

Imagine Dragons -Believer


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More Monty Python

Once I go down the rabbit hole of watching Monty Python, I always find it hard to stop.  It generally becomes a spontaneous giggleathon.

The People’s Front of Judea-‘Wren’s livers, Badger’s spleens…………… Bag of Otter’s noses please

On occasion when I buying a coffee and fancy something on the side to go with it, I am sorely tempted to ask for ‘A bag of Otter’s noses please? ’Just to see the reaction.  Up until now I have resisted but one day I will.

What have the Romans ever done for us? Like everything with Monty Python, they were way ahead of their time.

This is my go-to thought when in conversation and somebody mentions the merits of a particular organization that is generally disliked by the group. Whilst with a group of friends the other day the hot chestnut of the merits of social media came up.

We all agreed that it can often be ruinous to a person’s mental health and that it may also act as a launch pad for the ego.  But someone pointed out the fact that we have instant news at our finger tips.  And I added that having funny video clips at hand is marvelous for my mental health.

The fact that we can stay in touch with friends worldwide and see their photos was also mentioned.  But apart from all of this what has social media ever done for us………. Answers please in the comments section below.

And finally.

‘Romans go Home’ has to be my all-time favorite roman/English lesson.

Have a very silly Monty Python Day.


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Alms for an ex leper

Life of Brian – Alms for an ex-Leper

This scene never fails to crack me up. Perhaps my obsession for the last 40 years with this movie may have something to do with it.  I have mentioned it before and at the risk of being a ‘Monty Python’ nerd – Well, let’s just say that I am and take the risk element out of it- it has to be one of the funniest movies ever made.

There are several scenes that I watch if I need a good hearty chuckle and or guffaw.

‘Biggus Dickus’-  ‘They have  Spiwat, bwavado a touch of dewing do’ is a line I often use when somebody is irritating and I am trying to be tactful.

‘I’m alive’ –  I have heard somebody recite this scene following a bout of Covid. Not the most sensitive of recitals but funny all the same.

Some of the bloopers and deleted scenes from the making of this movie are worth a look at too.

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Best of last Quarter Part 2 ( of 2)

Here we go. My second instalment of my top 20 picks from the last quarter for your perusal.


April 2021









May 2021











June 2021







All the best

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