Marilyn Monroe Part 2 ( 2 of 2)

She met her third husband Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Arthur Miller on a movie set in 1951.  Their attraction was short lived as he later wrote in his diary-which Marilyn found- that he was both disappointed by her and embarrassed.  Her mental health had always been friable and she attempted suicide at least once in her life.

Miller said of their relationship that she was a super sensitive instrument to be around and that it was exciting until she began to self-destruct.  He then wrote the play The Misfits where she played the lead role but this character was clearly based on her own personality.

Marilyn found this to be disconcerting.  A month after filing for divorce from Miller she signed herself into a psychiatric hospital for insomnia and much needed rest.

She died in 1962.  Her death was deemed suicide from an overdose of barbiturates.  She was almost 36 when she died.  Miller never attended her funeral. DiMaggio had roses delivered to her crypt three times a week for the next 20 years following her death. The conspiracy theories abound as to whether the mafia or the Kennedys had anything to do with it.

Marilyn was 33 when she starred in Some Like it Hot.   Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis co-starred.  To me this movie is pure perfection.  From the story line to the plot twists to the comedy.  Never mind the hilarious crossdressing.

In my drinking days our line was ‘Some like a shot’ before we would order a round. We would then begin to recite some of the lines from the train scene while we were waiting for the barman to complete our order.  So much fun.  So many shots.

All the best

Stay Fab


Marilyn Monroe Part 1 ( 1 of 2)

In the beginning Marilyn took every job she was offered for five years and often read the classics between takes in a bid to shake off her dumb blonde reputation.

She studied her photos and always asked photographers for feedback whilst also befriending studio reporters to give her a publicity boost. Stage fright hampered her career even though she took acting classes at the famous Lee Strasberg school of acting.

Later in life she walked out of her contract due to being given demeaning roles. She found her own production studio which she named after herself. Despite her acting classes she suffered from dreadful stage fright.

Hugh Hefner became obsessed with Marilyn Munroe even though he never met her. When she died, he bought the casket next to her for $75,000. Maybe his obsession with blondes was that he was perhaps looking for likenesses to Marilyn in every blonde girl that he met.

In 1952 Joe DiMaggio met Marilyn and they married in 1954.  Monroe famously said that they were drawn together by a need for stability.  DiMaggio disliked Monroe’s sex symbol status.

It was rumored that he often beat her up.  Following watching Monroe shoot the famous grate scene for the movie The Seven Year Itch DiMaggio became incensed with jealousy.  They had a violent fight and Monroe then filed for divorce citing mental cruelty.  They later became friends and he tried to help her with her mental health and addiction issues.


All the best

Stay Fab


Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell

Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in Gentlemen prefer blondes

What a magnificent duo.  Apparently, they were very close friends. Jane was a devout Christian and brought Marilyn to one of her services during the making of Gentlemen prefer Blondes.  Marilyn declined further invitations as religion was not for her. However,they remained friends for the rest of Marilyn’s short-lived life.

Jane Russell was a singer as well as an actress. Howard Hughes became obsessed with her beauty and physique and produced her in many films. She resented being typecast and exploited for her looks but was unable to establish herself as a serious actress.

Her relationship with Bob Waterfield was her most successful and she adopted three children. Later she founded the World Adoption International Agency allowing American citizens to adopt children from around the world.

Jane was an alcoholic for most of her life entering rehab at the age of seventy-nine.  She died in 2011 at 89 years of age from a respiratory illness. She was found in her home by her old friend Howard Hughes.

Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926. Her life was not a simple rags to riches story. She had a very strong work ethic and commitment to acting which can often be overlooked.

Marilyn lived with 12 different families as a child and on one occasion was sexually abused by a lodger. Her mother had a history of mental illness and spent her entire life in and out of psychiatric institutions. Against all these odds she went on to become a mega star.

All the best

Stay Fab


The Office Parkour

The Office Parkour

This video cracks me up.  Parkour was featured in a Bond film as it became a worldwide phenomenon in 2004. Steve Carell and the writers did such a great job with this parody. The object is to get from A to B in a creative fashion. Such as tumbling, jumping, and or swinging.

I have tried the tumbling in my living room but Buzz and Finn went mental. Which is fair enough I suppose if I had to witness myself tumbling about with the grace of Nelly the Elephant, I would have gone a bit nuts too.

Dogs have their own version of parkour. It is the zoomies. This is when they race from one end of a room to another in a manic fashion to expend energy and excitement. A bit like how I was in my heyday dancing my ass off in Discos.

They can also spin and tumble if the notion takes them. Buzz performs his zoomies following a bath. As he doesn’t particularly like them and I guess he is just shaking himself dry and to try to forget the experience. Here is a compilation clip of a zoomies.

I am off to tumble from my chair into the kitchen. Why? Just because I can. I might throw in a few sneaky yoga poses to mix things up a bit. I’m all about livin on the edge.

Here is some lovely Panda Parkour to make you smile.

Panda Parkour

All the best

Stay Fab


Chicken dog

This little fella is so cute.  He has no intention of relinquishing his chicken for anyone. The fact that he has not wolfed it down without any regret whatsoever is what surprises me.  It’s his guilty eyes looking off to the left that kill me.

Apparently, this sideways glance is a real give away for humans too.  They say that when we are asked a question and we look to the left while answering that we are lying.  Whereas if we answer while looking to the right, we are telling the truth.  This little guy is just desperate to eat his stolen chicken. He must have been saying to himself -Scooby doo styley – Dang, and I almost got away with it.

My two Morkie’s would have demolished this tasty prize. Buzz is as gentle as can be 99% of the time when he is taking food but for certain treats like sausages, he becomes feral. Which is fair enough. If someone was considering removing me from my kebab after a night out, I would not take to it lightly.

Whenever I leave a sweet wrapper by my side, he loves to grasp it in a stealth like fashion. Running away with it as though I am going to go running after him. Hardly likely.  I’ve just had my sweets and am happy as a sweet filled Adele can be.

On the other hand, Finn is as gentle as a mouse. Taking the food from me whilst gazing at me with his adorable brown eyes.

All the best

Stay Fab


Graham Norton and Dave Grohl

This has to be one of my favorite Graham Norton interviews. For many reasons. The fact that Ireland inspired Dave Grohl to start The Foo Fighters. But also, the fact that as he named the ring of Kerry as one of the most remote places on the planet, we can be pretty sure that this will no longer be the case. Dingle no longer has the famous dolphin Fungie so now they will be overrun with Nirvana and Foo Fighter fans.

Graham Dave Grohl Ring of Kerry

In 2017 I went to Glastonbury to celebrate my birthday. The Foo Fighters were headlining on Saturday night. Our group made a collective decision to not see them and head to the Shangri-La area.   It is an awesome space of art installations and weird and wacky phenomena.

It can be very difficult to get into most times due to it’s popularity.  Our logic was that as everyone would be at The Pyramid stage watching The Foo Fighters that we would have the place to ourselves. And we were not wrong.   I had seen my favorite band Radiohead the night before and was as happy as I could ever be.

My fondest memory of Shangri-La that night was entering a tube carriage complete with disco and strobe lights to mosh to punk for 2 minutes. It was such a surreal experience.

Part of me wishes that we saw the Foo Fighters as I believe they were amazing.

I was thinking that the name ‘Kerry’ must be rather an unfortunate name to have if you live in Ireland. The childhood taunts of the ‘Ring of Kerry’ must be a real burn.

All the best

Stay Fab


Alternative Bond Girls names

When I started my blog last year, I got into some trouble for posting an RIP for Sean Connery.   I was aware that he had committed domestic violence but still felt the need to wish that he rest in peace.

Condoning domestic violence was never my intention and it brought up the debate regarding actors, artists and popstars that have died and had committed criminal activity.

Some were guilty, some were not.   Picasso received stolen goods; Caravaggio murdered somebody. Tim Allen was found guilty of drunk driving and cocaine possession.

Will Smith committed an aggravated assault and criminal conspiracy. Jay Z-stabbed somebody.  Mark Wahlberg was charged with murder and racist hatred and 50 Cent was caught for drug dealing assault and battery.

Sean Connery The only Bond and Bond girl names blog

In my blog I mentioned the following

‘As Pussy Galore is such a great name what about a Greek villain by the name of Phallus Generous?  Holly Goodhead from Moonraker could have a Chinese villain by the name of Muff Munch.  Or finally Chew Mee in The Man with the Golden Gun could have had an Irish villain by the name of Nosh O’ Tool’.

Since then, a few more have come to me. A villain named Dick Largesse? Or Handcock/Hancock. Whoops that is already somebody’s real second name. Excuse me.

Pussy Galore played by Honor Blackman in Goldfinger has to be my all-time favorite Bond girl.


All the best

Stay Fab


Best James Bond Theme Songs

These days it is all about Mr. Bond for me.  Sean Connery in Goldfinger. What a movie. Possibly the best ever.  Looking back over the 24 Bond Movies, Die and Day appear to be very popular words for the movie titles. Let’s take a look.

Live and let die

Die another day

No Time to die

Another way to die

The living Daylights.

Here are my top ten James Bond Theme songs. Shirley Bassey, Adele, Chris Cornell and Sam Smith are my favorites as I adore their voices.

As a child I used to sing Goldfinger at the top of my voice whenever I got a chance. I loved performing the hand actions that Shirley added to her performance for greater drama.

  1. Shirley Bassey – “Goldfinger”
  2. Adele – “Skyfall”
  3. Sam Smith – “Writing’s on the Wall” from Spectre.
  4. Jack White & Alicia Keyes – “Another Way to Die”
  5. Billie Eilish — “No Time to Die”
  6. Paul McCartney & Wings – “Live and Let Die”.
  7. Chris Cornell – “You Know My Name”-Casino Royale
  8. Madonna – “Die Another Day” .
  9. A-ha – “The Living Daylights”.
  10. Matt Monro – “From Russia With Love”

I have thought up a few alternative Irish style James Bond movie titles just to mix it up a bit. Let me know what you think?

‘Feck the villains’.

‘It’s grand. We got this’.

‘A ride and a rasher’.

‘Cold Minger’ as opposed to Goldfinger.

And finally

‘Deadly Dublin’.

Let me know what you think?

All the best

Stay Fab


James Bond No Time to Die

In honor of the last Bond Movie to feature the amazing Daniel Craig I felt the need to blog about its release. As well as offering some comedy clips featuring the one and only Mr. Craig being gorgeous and silly amongst a few others.

SNL James Bond Crabs

WPA-Woeful pun alert. When I first heard of the name of the movie, I thought that it was about an overworked launderette assistant- No time to dye or a hairdresser.  The reviews have been amazing and I cannot wait to see it.

The thought of having a parody Bond movie crossed my mind and then I remembered Rowan Atkinson as Johnny English which was a massive success worldwide. And also, Our Man Flint and Get Smart. Many may say that Mike Meyers  as Austin Powers in International Man of Mystery was possibly the greatest parody of all time.

Bond Dog -This is too cute.

My favorite clip has to be the comic relief that he did with Catherine Tate.

I must apologize for my obsession with Catherine Tate. Ah, feck it. No, I don’t apologize at all. She is a pure comedic genius.

James Corden and David Beckham also hopped on the Bond bandwagon in this clip.

Everyone is trying to predict who the next Bond will be. My money is on Idris Elba, Tom Hardy or Clive Owen.

All the best

Stay Fab


Cork Day 3 ( 3 of 3)

In the end I mustered up the courage and asked him if he smoked- on the off chance that it could have passed over to my room.  He said no.  I mentioned the strong smell and he kindly replied ’That’s a first’.  I began to think that my nightmare was linked to the ghost ship.

The ghost ship was 400 meters from where I stayed.  I had vaguely heard of its news the year before but I had no real knowledge of its passage. My imagination was fired up and the writer in me began to imagine that the visions within my nightmare were linked to the ship.

It was named the ‘Ghost ship’ because it had been at sea for two years and had travelled two thousand kilometers from America to land on the rocks of Ballyandreen by Ballycotton.

The story goes that it was carrying emergency supplies from Greece to Haiti to help following the devastating earthquake of 2010 which claimed the lives of 200,000 people. The ship had been renamed many times which indicates that it may have been used for nefarious purposes.

The engines had failed off the coast of America and the eleven crew were rescued by the coastguard.  Nobody claimed or rescued the ship.   When it landed in Ballycotton thousands of adventure seekers and bounty hunters from around the world arrived to witness the phenomenon. The residents and farmers were apoplectic with the invasion. Their serene and peaceful lives were thrown into turmoil.

I still believe my room may have been Haunted. Buzz and Finn would not eat in the room for the duration of our stay.

All the best

Stay Fab


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